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Moira's Blog Posts

"Small Town Girl Trying to make Good in the World"

Moira Riccio

Do you watch American Idol?  Well, even if you don't, you may have heard that one of the top three finalists is from the North Shore of Boston!  We just came back from visiting the parade in her honor.... What a small town girl "trying to make good in the world."  While we were waiting for Angie Miller to arrive in her limo (no sight of Keith Urban ~ serious bummer), we soaked up the sunshine and struck up conversations with fellow fans.  We met Catherine, a seventy-five year old woman with her boyfriend -- full-blooded Italian, has two sons who live in California.  She said her finger was aching over dialing in for Angie so many times...:)  Then we stumbled upon two Moms and their daughters who had designed their own t-shirts in honor of Angie.  People carried signs, shouted out Angie's name as though she were their relative, and gasped when they saw her turn their way.  It was a small town event but one with lots of good people watching, and overall positive energy, where people were excited to see a celebrity.

So what does this have to do with wellness?  Well, after the Marathon Day bombings in Boston, it just simply felt good to be among people who had something in common, for the common good.  I truly feel as though you need to surround yourself with people who will bring you up, not put you down.  So many of us struggle with anxiety and/or stress and we all manage differently.  But it is so important to make positive choices as we grow wiser, isn't it?

Some of my best friends don't exercise at all.  They probably think I am a lunatic, let's face it.  But as long as they make me laugh and are fun to be around, who cares?   What I care about is when I still remain in contact with stagnant relationships in which people constantly complain and (although it's always good to vent) dump their problems on me.  I have come to realize that we all have busy, stressful lives -- but when we talk, don't bring me into your stress, because I have my own stress, you know?!

That's why today was a positive day that enriched my life.  Catherine  -- "spelled with a 'C,' the old fashioned way!" -- was an absolute joy to talk to and we shared a common bond with our parade experience ~ no TVs, no computers, no cars, no screens ~ just standing together on the street corners, cheering on one of our very own about to make it big in the world.  I hope you have the same type of experience sometime!

You know what they say, "You Only Live Once!"  YOLO!

Fundraising for the PanMass Challenge at the Fast Chicks 5K

Moira Riccio

Can you say that five times fast?;)

"Fundraising....for the PanMass Challenge at the Fast Chicks 5K!  Fundraising for the PanMass Challenge at the Fast Chicks 5K!"  Well, my friend Leigh and I created PanMass Challenge t-shirts to raise money for the Dana Farber Cancer Institute.  Sure, we committed to cycling 200 miles in this incredible event (exactly 3 months from today) and we are fortunate to be able to do it, really -- since we do Reformer -- but first and foremost we need to do our fundraising!  So, we recruited corporate sponsors and put their logos on the back.  We had the MeatHouse, one of our sponsors, promote their store and sell beef and chicken skewers at the event.  We arranged for another sponsor, DoodleRoll, to sell their toys as part of the fundraising.  Like any good volunteer effort, it took on a life of its own....  As my sister, Julie says, "No good deed goes unpunished!";)

But, what a good feeling to be a part of the community, meet new people and build awareness for a good cause!   Thanks to Martha Hale-Farrell, from the HW Mothers Club, who organized the event.  Thank you to Christine O'Shea for helping us design the shirts.  And, thank you to the Heavens for giving us beautiful weather!  And, thank you to Pete Locke for finding me, and purchasing a t-shirt for his daughter Daisy.

Finally, thank you to my son Nicholas, who told me today that when he plays in the NFL (we can discuss that later~I am not sure a Pilates Instructor should support this idea?), and "makes lots of money, he is going to give money away to those in need."  In the midst of organizing my PMC bakesale, PMC table and chairs, PMC t-shirts etc...etc...etc... I often worried that I was ignoring my children, but somewhere along the way I successfully taught them something.  And that, my friends, is true happiness.

That really made my day.  Let's keep it in perspective ~ it's all good.

If you would like to buy a t-shirt, just donate to PMC and I will mail you one.  I will even send you a DoodleRoll for free...;)   Here's the link:  Donate to PMC

If you would like to ride with me this summer, email me and we can hit the road!

Have a good weekend,

Squeeze in a 15 minute workout...

Moira Riccio

Carving out exercise into our routines isn't always easy.  Here are a few ideas for you to do starting tomorrow morning~

The Fifteen Minute Fix:

Stand up and slowly roll down to the floor....breathe 5 full and complete breathes.
Walk out to a plank.  Hold for 5 breathes.
Hinge to pike position or "Downdog" /  Repeat 15 times.
Swing right leg to crescent lunge.  lunge 15x
Switch to left leg and lunge 15x

Squat 15x slowly, 15x pulses
Plie squat 15x slowly, 15x pulses

Lie down and do 15 crunches, then bicycle 15x left and right....REPEAT
Slowly drop legs from table top to floor 15x, then straighten legs and lower to diagonal 15x...REPEAT
Lie down and do hip lift 15x, 15x pulses.

Hug your knees to chest and slow stretch~ you are ready to start the day!!

Are you a Worrier or a Warrior?

Moira Riccio

That is the debate I listened to on NPR the other day, taken from the book, "Top Dog: The Science of Winning and Losing."  Basically you are born with your personality, but your environment alters behavior as well ~ the old "nature vs. nurture" discussion.  When I was listening to this I was wondering what type I am ~ I feel like a warrior most of the time, full of energy, but
then I do have responsibilities which perhaps make me a worrier!

So which category do you fall into?  Do you come to the gym ready to move?  Or do you want to exercise to escape from your worries?  Is it a little bit of both?   Some of us go into a fitness class wanting to be the best!  And others are just there for the camaraderie....  And sometimes you simply want to exercise in your own space (read: back Reformer in the Studio:)).

I was reading a magazine recently about a woman who was so unmotivated about exercising that she was sitting in her car, trying to move away from her bun-warmer and into the gym.  It amazed me!  I couldn't believe that people actually think that way, really....   It's not easy for me to get out of bed either, but once I am awake (workout gear is properly placed in my bathroom, ready to go~ I will admit:)) I am in motion.  I do love the camaraderie aspect of exercising, but it doesn't have to be my BFFs.  In fact, many of my dear friends do not exercise at all.

I will suggest one thing to you that is, "If you spend too much time worrying about things, such as growing old, the aging process, your kids, your parents and their caregiving, your job, your mortgage, your taxes ~ whatever ~ you will miss out on being a warrior!   Working out will help you to alleviate this stress, feel good, lose weight, improve your posture and sleep better.   Just get out of bed and try exercising with some companions for 1 week.  It gets easier every day!

Keep the Peace,

Salt Sugar Fat: what does this title mean to you?

Moira Riccio

That's the name of a book by Michael Moss, a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist who investigates the rise of processed foods in our "Supersize me!" culture.   He describes how the food industry creates convenience foods like "Lunchables," and promotes them as  "healthy" options for children and their busy but well-intentioned parents.  The subtitle is: "How the Food Industry Hooked Us."  Food for thought, eh?

We are all on busy schedules and not everyone can eat according to the diet menus in all the magazines ~ I get that!  Eat fresh?  Yah, right: you try that when you are in a hurry to catch a flight!  However, if you find yourself having too many cravings
for those things (we need some, you know ~ the occasional box of Wheat Thins:)), you may want to substitute with other choices.
Instead of wheat thins?  Try a handful of almonds.

I am not a nutritionist but I can tell you one thing:  the more you eat processed foods like crackers and soda, the more you will crave those things.  And it's usually at the same time of day, isn't it?!  For example, if you get in the habit of eating Oreos every night, you will really crave those cookies at about 9pm.   It's all a habit.  Just like smoking or a bad sleeping pattern....   If you want to change your habit, try to do something else for 5 days, and see what happens.

Nutrition, like fitness, is a very personal decision.   So take this information with a grain of salt, perhaps, but just wanted to pass along the information for you to prepare for the road ahead.

Take care,

What is Your Definition of a Good Day?

Moira Riccio

What would your best "Banner Day" look like?   Would it be sleeping in?  Breakfast in bed?   Time with friends?  Treating yourself to a manicure/pedicure?  Dinner and a Movie?  No work, all play ~ or a combination?  Would you exercise?

Well, I was thinking about that today when I dropped in to CVS at lunchtime to buy a card for a friend.  I ended up (as I always do) choosing several cards, and found myself laughing out loud at a few funny ones....
For example, an Easter card illustrating a little boy looking out for the bunny wishing for candy, and his cat is sitting right next to him, wishing for the bunny to "have a limp!"  Then I went into the next aisle and noticed that Tampax were ON SALE!  I have never, ever, ever seen that....:)  I thought to myself, "You know, this is a good day!"

Whatever your day turns out to be, you really need to laugh at the little things, right?  Like yesterday, I had two older ladies step up to my bakesale.  One lady was dying to purchase the pecan coffee cake (my masterpiece!) and her sister, with a cigarette hanging out of her mouth, said, "No Hazel, it's got too much sodium."  I almost laughed out loud.  But then I guess her sister was a registered nurse ~ why is it so many nurses are either out of shape or smoking?  I totally don't get that!

Have your version of a good day ~ whatever that may be.

March 21, 2013 ~ First Day of Spring!

Moira Riccio

Happy Spring....   That's right, today is Thursday, March 21, 2013 and Spring is officially here.   It takes alot of vision to believe it, but I did see a glimpse in the sunset last night.   Warmer weather is on the horizon, I know it!

I need to take a moment to acknowledge why this day is special to me.
 It's my Mom, Kay Clancy's birthday.  She has been gone for many years but I have to tell you: this is why my slogan is "Keep the Peace!"   It was one of her expressions, so I created it as my slogan because I truly believe that Pilates and CORE Strengthening helps to "Keep the Peace" within you....   But the original expression was from her, and I need to give credit where credit's due.  

So, I believe that, as an adult, you need to take the good with the bad and get over whatever dysfunction was in your life/family.   The good I have received from my mother is:
her strong teaching style,  her enthusiasm, and her toughness to overcome obstacles.   She was also a good cook, and you see it in my shared recipes, but she was smart ~ she allowed me to start cooking in middle school ~ she was no fool!   I guess she taught me to make it work for her, too.  

So, let's take the good with the bad this day in March.   Yes, there is snow :( but it's also short-lived.   
Take a moment to remember the good with bad as we head into Spring....  In the words of Kay Clancy, "Happy Day" when the sunshine warms our faces in the first days of the new season.  


Fitness: Helps Overcome Daily Distractions

Moira Riccio

So, alot of people ask me, "How do you do it, raising four kids?!"  Well, let me describe it to you this way ~ you know when you start driving and momentarily forget to strap your seatbelt and the alarm rings to remind you?  And, of course you already have the radio on, so it's ringing and you are trying to listen to the radio but all you can hear is the alarm?   Ring, radio, ring radio, ring, radio....

That's how it is.

And, when you shop at Market Basket and it's super crowded and you reach for butter or eggs and someone has already pushed their cart in front of you, studying the shelf for their particular type of yogurt...and you need to re-align your cart to steer around and continue to the deli.  Each aisle you seem to feel as though you are continually bumping into person after person and it takes forever to get the shopping done.  Maybe someone even pushes their cart into your heels?  In fact, you get so distracted that you drive home and you realize you forgot the salsa in aisle 4 and have a little bit of a headache.

That's how it is.

Ok, so it's really a combination of the two.:)  So, I must carry on ~ and stick with my routine, my to do list, the task at hand and enjoy those sweet moments of laughter and relaxation.  Recently I have been really chuckling with my youngest, of course, who has memorized football players numbers and teams and asks me 10/15x a day, "Mom, who does______ play for?"  Usually I do not know the answer, so he says, "Brett Favre!"  Then he tells me where he went to college and his hometown.  I know what you are thinking ~ is it OCD?   I prefer to think of it as him being smart, and just changing his focus from legos to football players.:)

So, today and every day:  Build in a little laughter yourself around the annoying co-worker or person picking their nose in the car next to you on the highway.:)   Secondly:  Exercise!  It truly helps, exercise that is, to help remove yourself from all those daily distractions.   Take a moment, put down your iPhone and get yourself into the Studio or (in the case of snow days) at-home Pilates moves to stay on your game!

Spring is right around the corner,

Top O' The Morning To Ya!

Moira Riccio

That's right ~ those little Leprechauns are all around us....preparing to visit you on St. Patrick's Day!

The Leprechauns always stop at our house, so my kids leave their shoes by the front door for a little candy (green, of course).  Then when they wake up and see green water in the bathroom, it truly kicks off our day with the Irish humor!
 'So "Go Green" this year
and enjoy a little bit of your own tradition -- whether it be a Killian's Irish beer, some good ol' corned beef and cabbage (careful there:)) and/or just throw a little Bailey's Irish Cream in your coffee this weekend.  The Irish were born with the gift of gab, so meet an old friend and have a laugh.:)  But beware: the Irish say that in every bit of humor there is a serious side to it.  That's what my Irish lass, Eileen O'Holleran told me.:)  Do you agree?  I am not so sure....

What I am absolutely sure of however, is the 2 recipes I have shared in the Weekly Tips section.  I did not grow up on corned beef, believe it or not (alot of potatoes, though) but many years ago I had a St. Patrick's Day party and my good friend, Jackie Martin offered to bring the corned beef.   It went like hotcakes!!  You cannot believe how good this is.  So try it out but if not, I have also attached a marinade for grilled salmon.  Salmon is quite popular in Ireland, you know.:)

I leave you with an Irish wish:

May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be at always at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
May the May the rains fall soft on your fields
And until we meet again ~
May the little leprechauns watch over you.

Moira Clancy Riccio

Take it to the next level with Pilates

Moira Riccio

I really need to share this story from Fitness Magazine: "Finding the perfect match for a workout is just as tough in lycra tights as it is finding the perfect mate in a little black dress."  This woman tells her story of how she was burned out with jumping lunges, squats, and loud music until she finally found "the workout she could live with happily ever after:  Pilates.":)

Now that's what I'm talking about, right?!  But isn't it so true?  Once you go Reformer, it's hard to go back....
Once you feel the subtle strength of an imprint and your core muscles strengthening from within, you feel as though you can run a marathon.

And, you probably can!  Pilates on the MAT and Reformer makes you stronger, better, faster in all the things you love to do.  

In other words, once you have "seen it, done it" with many other forms of exercise -- and I love it all -- you may be ready for Pilates.   Celebrate that maturity and realization and just keep practicing.  Because the more you do Pilates, the more you feel every move, every turn, every crunch, every breath.  It really is that good: "plateauproof."  'Just give it time and see where it takes you.  If it isn't for you, you can always go back to the jumping lunges and squats and feel like a million bucks!

And that is how you "Keep the Peace,"

"Does she eat?! What does she eat anyway?"

Moira Riccio

So many of you may at some point ask to yourself during these exercise classes, "I wonder what she eats for breakfast!"  How can she have so much energy?  "Did she say,'Eight more?!"  I am just kidding here (well, not really):)'s not that I think you think about me so much while you are working out, but I remember being a student in a class and asking myself those questions,  "Does she ever bury her head in a box of wheat thins at some point during the month?  I mean, really!!!"

So the short answer is:  eggs & toast, peanut butter & toast, cereal or oatmeal with milk, or a protein bar.   The long answer is:  we are all a work in progress....  And I really mean it.  I totally understand that you all have jobs, travel schedules, families and let's face it ~ sometimes it takes alot of will power to stay away from wheat thins!   Or when you are at the airport or on the road and stop at (gasp!) McDonalds, what do you order?  You need to eat, after all.

The bottom line is you just need to make good choices, just like we tell our kids/friends/coworkers/animals.  At a recent VET checkup with my dog, Dr. Pett (yup, that's his name --  seriously) suggested that Rudi eat more carrot sticks instead of biscuits.  She looked up at me with those big brown eyes and I said, "I know,'s a bummer for all of us."  "We can have a biscuit 2x/week instead of every day."

So convert that same logic and reasoning for yourself.  Keeping a healthy eye on your nutritional content (NOT a "diet") does not have to be so restrictive.  It's all a give and a take.  Everybody has a bad day, and may overindulge in wheat thins or chocolate or whatever floats your boat.  The key is to not just give up.  Start fresh tomorrow.  Give yourself weekly rewards ~ not food related.:)

And remember this: If you cut back 250 calories a day, and exercise to burn 250 calories...that adds up to 500 calories per day!   That really adds up over time!  (that's as many calories as an entire spin class!!)

Keep the Positive Energy and Keep the Peace,

Is the Destination Better than the Journey?

Moira Riccio

That's truly the biggest question in life, isn't it?  I've always loved James Taylor's version of it, in his song, "The Secret of Life."  The melody is, "The Secret of Life is enjoying the passage of time.  Any fool can do it.  There 'aint nothing to it.  Nobody knows how you got to the top of the hill...."  So, does it matter that we got to the top of the hill?

Then there's the sports version of this same idea:  "It's not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game."  We love to tell this to our children, but then the first question we ask when they return home from a practice scrimmage or game is, "Did you win?"

We all have goals ~ fitness or otherwise ~ and we strive to attain those goals....  What's more gratifying however: actually attaining the goals or the work or enjoyment we have while reaching the goals?

Alas, I was asking myself the same question the other day when packing up my family for a ski trip.
 The packing list looks something like this:  2 pairs of pants, shirts, socks, underwear, long johns, (i.e.: "Under Armour" in my kids' minds):) pajamas, jeans, hat, mittens, ski helmet, skis, boots, neck warmer, goggles.  Each child followed the list but then added a few extras!  When I returned home from the studio, I found all of this plus stuffed animals, a few books, a couple of iPods, magic markers and a big bathrobe.  The pile of stuff was literally four feet high!  I was not sure how we were to fit this, plus ourselves, into our minivan.....  I warned them, "We need to pack our food as well, in between the car seats, so I am not sure we can fit all of the animals!  And a bathrobe??  Can't you live without that for a few days?"  You can imagine my heart rate was escalating as we started the negotiations.

Let's just say that my little "F. Scott Fitzgerald" won out with his bathrobe and we did bring about 6 stuffed animals.  I figure, if my kids are still playing make-believe, then I gotta run with it!  So, while I was building a pyramid (gallon of milk first, frozen veggies on top to keep cool, bread and cereal over that), and was not necessarily feeling fulfilled in this chore, I had to take a moment and smile at Nicholas wearing his bathrobe, under his snow coat, and carrying "Fluffy" on his way to the car.

Whatever you do at work or at play during the day, may you always stop and enjoy the moment a little we say, "Smell the roses, and blow out the birthday candles."  In between folding laundry or preparing for the next business meeting, remember that the journey is often more rewarding than the destination.  After all, if we place too much emphasis on the destination, we are sure to be disappointed.  If you spend all of your time worrying about the future then you will miss all the exciting things happening right now!  Throughout our life journey.there are lessons learned, characters developed, and passion fueled along the way!

May all of you have an "aha" moment today, even if it's not wearing a bathrobe!

Keep the Peace,

9 Daily Habits for Healthier Living....Make the 10th EXERCISE!

Moira Riccio

From Inc. Magazine:  Food For Thought.....

1. Start each day with expectation.

If there's any big truth about life, it's that it usually lives up to (or down to) your expectations. Therefore, when you rise from bed, make your first thought: "something wonderful is going to happen today." Guess what? You're probably right.

2. Take time to plan and prioritize.

The most common source of stress is the perception that you've got too much work to do. 
Rather than obsess about it, pick one thing that, if you get it done today, will move you closer to your highest goal and purpose in life. Then do that first.

3. Give a gift to everyone you meet.

I'm not talking about a formal, wrapped-up present. Your gift can be your smile, a word of thanks or encouragement, a gesture of politeness, even a friendly nod. And never pass beggars without leaving them something. Peace of mind is worth the spare change.

4. Deflect partisan conversations.

Arguments about politics and religion never have a "right" answer but they definitely get people all riled up over things they can't control. When such topics surface, bow out by saying something like: "Thinking about that stuff makes my head hurt."

5. Assume people have good intentions.

Since you can't read minds, you don't really know the "why" behind the "what" that people do. Imputing evil motives to other people's weird behaviors adds extra misery to life, while assuming good intentions leaves you open to reconciliation.

6. Eat high quality food slowly.

Sometimes we can't avoid scarfing something quick to keep us up and running. Even so, at least once a day try to eat something really delicious, like a small chunk of fine cheese or an imported chocolate. Focus on it; taste it; savor it.

7. Let go of your results.

The big enemy of happiness is worry, which comes from focusing on events that are outside your control. Once you've taken action, there's usually nothing more you can do. Focus on the job at hand rather than some weird fantasy of what might happen.

8. Turn off "background" TV.

Many households leave their TVs on as "background noise" while they're doing other things. The entire point of broadcast TV is to make you dissatisfied with your life so that you'll buy more stuff. Why subliminally program yourself to be a mindless consumer?

9. End each day with gratitude.

Just before you go to bed, write down at least one wonderful thing that happened. It might be something as small as a making a child laugh or something as huge as a million dollar deal. Whatever it is, be grateful for that day because it will never come again.

Make the 10th exercise!!

January Thaw....2013

Moira Riccio

Well, no more "Happy New Year" greetings....   At this point we need to go right to: when is the January thaw?  Can I give up some of my resolutions yet?    Just get them out of my head so I don't feel like a total failure.... Or can I start anew because I was in the middle of putting away decorations and cleaning up clutter for the first 10 days anyway?!   I did make it to the Hamilton-Wenham Christmas tree bonfire last weekend ~ "YOLO!"  
And, I think the chex mix and chocolate covered almonds are now cleared out of every hiding place.  (I have this habit of hiding things an forgetting where I hide them, for example chocolate and iPods)

So, Happy January thaw ~ that's right:  "Baby it's a little too warm outside..."   Where is the snow?  The ice?  Is this the thaw?!   Well, I guess it's not too pretty out there for our Winter hikes but you can always come into Studio13.   Goodness knows we are jamming with those folks who have started their new fitness plans -- and good for them!  I feel like the priest who says at Christmas service, "It's so wonderful to see you this time of year;  can you come all the time?":)   Just kidding here ~ let's face it, it's all the more fun for us, to have some company!  It's almost like we have new and improved friends on Facebook, isn't it?  

So keep coming to Reformer, as regularly scheduled, and come get re-energized with us at Studio13!  (after all, it IS January thaw!  Get it into high gear!!)   

FYI ~ if your schedule allows, classes this week:
                    Monday 12noon RIPPED lunch hour
                    Tuesday 6pm Spinning   
                    Wednesday 3:30pm Sculpt and Tone
                    Friday 3:30 -- 4:30pm MAT Pilates   
                               4:30 -- 5:45 pm (kick off your holiday weekend) Booty Barre with extra core

No reservations necessary for studio classes, except for Spinning.  By the way ** I have an opening in the Tuesday/Thursday 6am Reformer class for you early birds.  As you know, I am always available for anyone who wants to start private training.....I have so many new tricks up my sleeve and can really create a program for different levels, with Pilates, TRX, Barre, Kickboxing, or even cardio.  Right now I have the following timeslots available:  Tuesday/Thursday 8am, Monday/Wednesday/Friday 10:30am.  Saturday 11:30am.   I am also available for private parties or to teach a class for you and your friends at your bookclub or work.

Have a wonderful week.  "Keep the Peace,"

New Year's Eve!

Moira Riccio

Seasons Greetings.....It's not over yet ~ the holiday season, that is! New Year's Eve is right around the corner! And while you wait for the ball to drop, take the time to reflect on 2012 and remember your accomplishments ~write them down and feel good about it!

> Many of you have received a music CD with "Inspiring Music for the New Year" ~ inside the envelope there is a small piece of paper where you can write down all the good things that have happened throughout the year.:) And don't forget about your exercise schedule.... "Kudos" to you for sticking with the Reformer routine!! And, if you want to change your routine or need some help refocusing, give me a call and we can discuss.

No sweat ~ well, does take a little sweat (ha) but it will certainly help you to feel good and stay confident for a healthier you!

> They always say that successful people assess their goals, both personally and professionally, label them "short-term" or "long-term" and then write them down. In fact, saying them out loud and/or sharing them with friends is a terrific way to get started. As you may have guessed, after relaxing a little bit with the family this week (honestly, JustDance on the Wii is a blast!), I have a few goals myself:

> 1. I signed up for a program called "Pilates Anytime" which allows you to view new moves on the Reformer each month ~ so get ready...:) This will help to keep me current and fresh as an Instructor for all of you!
> 2. Use social media to enhance my blog: I am now on Twitter, but what do I Tweet?
> 3. Organize my house ~ I may need a trip into The Container Store for this one....and that's the fun part, let me tell ya.
> 4. Start painting again, to use the other side of my brain.:) This falls in with organizing my house because of course, I want to create a home art studio for my daughter and me. (this is long term)
> 5. Take a break from the Chex snack mix. (hopefully this is short term!)

> There you have it. So if you are also thinking of resolutions or setting goals for 2013, remember "SMART" = Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timed. That way the goals will make you feel confident and strong rather than bring you down, if you don't achieve them right away, you know?

> We begin the Reformer schedule this Wednesday, January 2, 2013 at 6:30pm with Barb, Andrea, Leigh, Pam, Susan...and Thursday, January 3, 2013 at 6am with Sara, Ellen, Jennifer, Kate and Vanessa. The Mondays 6:30pm crew is Kim, Melissa, Barb, Pam, Ellen. Saturdays will stay the same.

> Enjoy your New Year's Eve celebration,
> Moira Riccio

Attitude is Everything

Moira Riccio

"Ho Ho Ho" or "Bah Humbug?"   I know, I know, it's that crazy time of the year when, even if you are not shopping for presents, things just take a little longer.  Finding a parking space, buying groceries, waiting for the green light ~ just use your Pilates breathing my friends to muddle your way through the time.  Knowledge is power, after all, and you all know that "smelling the roses" and "blowing out the birthday candles" with help to relax your shoulders and reduce the tension....:)  
Try to maintain a positive attitude and it will reflect back to you as a reward.

When I hear alot of complaining around my house, I ask my kids at dinner time to say out loud the 3 best things that happened to them today.  Even before you go to sleep, write down those 3 "key" happy moments and you will sleep better and feel healthier ~ like you've got it under control.  It doesn't matter what it is, because perception is reality, right?    Only a few more weeks left in 2012 ~ "You can do it!"  "Put your 'gameface' on!"  Whoops ~ sorry I am getting a little carried away!:)

Anyway, just be positive and keep your holiday spirits up!!  And of course, stick with your routine of workout out!  Research shows that planning out your workout schedule and sticking with the gameplan will help you to stay motivated.  Plan it out each week and write it down on your calendar.  New Years Resolutions are right around the corner.

But for now, just breathe deeply at that red light ~ hey..."red" and "green" lights!  See?  The holiday spirit is all around us!:)

Keep the Peace,
Moira the elf

Holiday Fitness Deal

Moira Riccio

Greetings on this cold blustery day in November.  Here's a little poem for your entertainment:

"'Twas the month after Thanksgiving, and our bellies were still filled...
With turkey and the fixins' -- at the time we were thrilled!
But now, alas -- we wonder: how can we reign in our appetite like the reindeer?
Enjoy time with family, friends and food, in that order my dear!
And get back into your workouts to work the bottom line, so to speak.:)  
For we all need to move around and exercise, so we are not weak --
In the mind, spirit and body.  De-stress and feel good about you,
Reformer, Barre, Spinning and RIPPED will surely beat the holiday blues!!"

I know, I know...kinda corny ~  but it's so true, isn't it?   We all need to enjoy ourselves, but as we age we need to workout with conditioning and cardiorespiratory exercise!  It's just like wearing a new outfit ~ it gives you that added boost of confidence to get through the day.  A little "skip in your step," just like Santa!

So, here's your holiday shopping deal:  If you buy a 6 pack of personal training sessions as a new client,  you can get 2 training sessions for free!  This is a coupon you can reserve for now and/or after the first of the year.  Personal training sessions are just that ~ custom-designed for each person.  I can do a postural analysis, take your measurements, weigh you and discuss your whole lifestyle fitness plan if you are interested.  Just give me a call at 617-571-9102.  (And if you wrap this for yourself to put under the tree, your secret is safe with me!:))

Keep the Peace,

Post Thanksgiving ~ onward to the holidays!

Moira Riccio

Enough about recipes and food -- let's get shopping and enjoying ourselves....  The holidays are upon us!  And, while we still need to squeeze our workouts into our routine, we need to start shopping for family and friends.:)   There's Black Friday, Cyber Monday ~ many opportunities to find a deal!  If you are looking for a roadtrip and overall positive shopping experience, take a drive up to Freeport, ME.
We went there for the day this weekend and wished I had made plans to stay overnight!   LL Bean has something for everyone and is open 24 hours a day, plus there were many new stores including North Face, Patagonia, Ann Taylor, Nike, Vineyard Vines, and "Mexicali Blues" ~ a very hip Yoga/Pilates type of place, with clothing and jewelry.   I saw an outdoor cafe with people relaxing by open fireplaces outside ~ it looked so cozy!  There's actually a road race at midnight on Thanksgiving, kicking off the holiday shopping season.

If you want to stay close to home, grab your sneakers and join in the HW Community event, "Gabe's Run," the day after Thanksgiving at Patton Park in Hamilton.  It is a 5K race in the woods, in honor of a local High School cross country runner who died in a car accident.  Look for me and my family...and join us for cup of chowder afterward.:)  I love the road race environment....I have run many of them in my day, and it's just a fun experience.  People hang out after the race and have some snacks and just connect with friends.

Thank you all for your continued friendship and commitment to fitness!
Happy Thanksgiving,

Nutritional Ideas

Moira Riccio

Planning ahead for your lunch and dinner is a really good way to eat well.  With a little bit of effort and determination, you can make changes for the better, and look and feel healthier!

Every Sunday, figure out a few meals for the week and create a menu.  I once ridiculed my older sister when, as a newlywed, she posted the menu on her refrigerator.  I thought, "That's it, she is over the edge!  She's so nerdy!"  Today ~ from my older, wiser viewpoint ~ I realize that planning ahead is easier, less expensive and saves time and energy....  When you cook, cook extra and freeze or save for other meals.   If you are able to pack a lunch, that helps, too.  This will manage portion sizes etc....   If you have already decided on lunches and dinners, you will be less likely to splurge or binge on junk food, staring at you front he cabinet or fridge.:)

Here's a typical menu from the Riccio household:

Monday:            Grilled chicken, pasta with parmesan cheese, salad (make 2, save one)
Tuesday:            Chicken enchiladas (with leftover chicken, low fat cheese and 0% greek yogurt), brown rice and salad, salsa
Wednesday:       Grilled salmon, grilled veggies
Thursday:           High protein noodles with leftover grilled veggies
Friday:                Turkey burgers (DiLuigis are really good) and roasted potatoes on the grill
Saturday:            take out pizza
Sunday:              Turkey chili and chips!

Thanksgiving Overnight turkey recipe in this week's "Weekly Tips"~  'Best turkey I have ever had!! ~ this is from the same sister...Julie Grady:)

Lower Back Pain? "Drop Everything and Move!"

Moira Riccio

Haven't we all experienced lower back pain at some point before?   A recent study suggests that 80% of Americans will experience back pain at some point.  As time goes on, and we sit at our desks for hours and hours, drive our cars leaning forward, or even text while waiting in line at the grocery store ~ our posture changes from the natural curve in the spine and it puts stress on our lower backs.  The lumbar spine is designed to move, acting as a shock absorber for walking, running, cycling or group exercising.  However, these daily functional changes will overload and create pain, affecting your entire day!

What can you do?  After all ~ you do need to work for a living...right?  Well, make an effort to "Drop Everything and Move" every couple of hours.  Simply stretch and sidebend for a few minutes and even that will alleviate some stress to the lower back, and maybe even clear your mind a little bit!  

According to the Boston Globe's Health section this week, "A growing body of research suggest the best way to manage any back pain is to get up and move around, stretch and engage in resistance training to increase flexibility and core body strength."  The article goes on describing how people are treated for lower back pain, and it resembles what we do in our exercise classes ~ flexbands and other props to tighten the abdominal muscles which will strengthen the back.  So, keep up the good work ~ you are ahead of the game...managing to "Keep the Peace" within yourselves.....

See you all soon,