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"I have thoroughly enjoyed the early morning Reformer class. After 1 year, I am 30 pounds lighter, and much more fit... I am happy I found you!"
Kate Sweeney

"Wow…I have been taking Reformer with other instructors and for a long time…and you know this machine better than anyone! You are so intuitive and really have a wonderful style!"

"Moira has a very educated, deep understanding of anatomy and movement. She can teach many different modalities of classes. Warm and friendly to the clients…she has a way of coaching clients through hard moves, instead of bullying them. Moira gives and shows modifications, is professional and seasoned."

"After conditioning with you privately for 6 months, I was able to surpass my teammates on the fitness tests at the soccer tryouts!" 

"You are so creative! I am going to ask my friends if they are interested in working with you!" 

"Thank you for inspiring us to stay healthy!!"
Margot & Lisa

"I really enjoyed the classes I have taken with you…they were always fun and engaging and a little different each time. Your commitment and energy to fitness is awesome!

"I am down 7.5 inches in one month after training with Moira!"

"In three months of private training with Moira, I've lost 5 lbs., 5 inches and have zero back pain.... I am looking forward to running again!" Susie

"Moira is the most motivating and energetic instructor I have ever had. Each time I take one of her classes I know I have pushed my body to a great place and I feel awesome when I leave. She's the best!" 
Jacqui Moynihan

"Moira is fantastic - she knows all the exercises for the different body "struggles." I plan to be in her reformer class for a LONG time." 
Barb Smith

"I have gotten stronger, longer and leaner. Going to Reformer, working with Moira has become my therapy -- for my body and soul." Sara Rosetti
"I was never into playing sports. And didn't really like working out. That was until I met Moira and started with reformer pilates. Reformer became a way for me to focus on myself - no one else. The difference between taking a class with Moira and someone else is that she focuses not just on your body but what's happening in your life. During each of our sessions I know that I'm strengthening not only my body, but my mind and soul. And for that I'll be forever grateful."
Christen M. Gentile

"I was so tired when I was driving to class, but now feel so relaxed and stretched out ~ I am glad I came!"
Pam Walsh

"I can comfortably wear high heels these days after exercising on the Pilates Reformer machine with Moira!"  Kate