Spinning for Weight Loss
Moira Riccio
You may have seen these emails about "Spinning for Weight Loss" from Studio13. It is an 8 week program tailored to help those who are interested in losing weight by building more cardio into their routine, with Spinning, and modifying their diet. The Spinning classes are custom designed to ensure the participants stay in their "target" heart rate range of aerobic, or calorie burning phase.
If you are wondering about this at all, and thinking you may have missed the boat ~ no worries.... Just figure out a time in which you can add in more cardio to your routine. Can you take a quick walk after dinner each night? Or can you spin with me early Fridays and/or Sundays? (I promise fun music!!):) We all need to condition ourselves with the Reformer, to lengthen and strengthen and increase core stability, especially as we grow older. However, adding some good ol' cardio along the way will help you to actually lose weight and inches from your waistline.:) And those endorphins will improve your mood, too!
Of course, modifying your diet simply means that you (and everyone) need a combination of carbs, healthy fats and protein. Smaller meals are better -- to stabilize your blood sugar -- and to keep your energy up throughout the day. We all have those favorite meals or snacks, and of course do not need to live the rest of you rife without them -- just eat them occasionally or in small portions.
We are all a work in progress....
Have a good day,
"Keep the Peace,"