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Journaling to Achieve Your Goals

Moira's Blog Posts

Journaling to Achieve Your Goals

In Personal Training training, we were taught to create goals for people that are realistic & measurable.  Makes sense, right?  Short term goals & long term goals are equally important and are more easily attained by writing them down.  When your boss asks you what your goals are at work, you give it some thought and strategize how to accomplish them,  If only we could look at health & wellness the same way....   Where do you want to be fitness wise in five years?  Obviously strengthening & stretching is important as we grow older, that's for sure.  It takes determination to look & feel good,  How do you get there?  One idea is to write down goals for three, six & twelve months out.  Then, post the goals on the fridge or medicine cabinet, or someplace where you go to each day.  Even writing down your daily goals would be awesome~every night before you go to bed.  Take measurements if you want to slim down, too.  But, more importantly, journal how you feel in your jeans and do you have fewer aches & pains?  Then if you get there...reward yourself with something~a shopping spree for the new season, or flowers?

Journaling your goals for tomorrow~whether it be feeling grateful, eating healthy, losing weight~will help you achieve them.  "True Story!"