It's tough to make good choices, especially when you're traveling or working long hours~but here's food for thought regarding sugar: (remember, when you're reading a food label...all the ingredients are in order of the weight or volume of each ingredient.) One recommendation would be to only buy foods that do not list "sugar" in the first five ingredients. #shoptheperimeter
Research has linked sugar consumption to numerous health conditions, including:
• Premature aging
• Various cancers — breast, ovary, prostate, rectum, etc.
• Diabetes
• Digestive problems, including chronic indigestion
• Fatigue and low energy
• Heart disease
• Hyperactivity and concentration problems
• Loss of muscle mass
• Nutritional deficiencies, including decreased ability to absorb calcium and magnesium
• Osteoporosis
• Tooth decay and gum disease
• Yeast infections