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life's journey has different paths

Moira's Blog Posts

life's journey has different paths

...let's continue to move forward...

New Year's Day, I wrote about RESILIENCE. It read something like this, "Resilience is something we all wish for our kids~share & share alike. fall down & get right back up. it's always more fun on the "B" team anyway. don't worry if you didn't get into your first choice. when one door closes, another one opens. every problem is an opportunity. strive for excellence but accept the failures & disappointments along the way."

Eerie isn't it?! Who would have imagined the restrictions, challenges & difficulties of 2020.

I laughed out loud when last Spring one of my clients sent me a photo of a girl in a bikini with a mask that read, "Trikini?!" I didn't know then what I know now...that we would all be wearing masks with our bathing suits and even while running, walking or biking. Waiting in line at the grocery store. Receiving relief checks from the government. Cancelling vacations. Postponing graduations or celebrations.

Changing up the gameplan.

And yet, we made it through. We did it! We managed to figure out new stay-at-home work stations, more cooking & family time. We pivoted our businesses. We cranked up Netflix and Youtube. We participated in ZOOM meetings and virtual classrooms.

Oprah Winfrey once said, "Walking through life isn't a straight's full of winding paths." It's the idea that moving on & moving forward may be unexpected & unusual but a good decision nonetheless.

As you know, I truly believe in #exercising #saferskincare #cleancraftedwine. I am committed to sharing the wealth of knowledge that I have gathered over the past ten years and weaved my business & marketing background into moirasfitness. What started as, "Keep the Peace in You"... a slogan for ~ Pilates, Experience & Awaken your Core Energy...morphed into a whole package to reflect all things health & wellness.

I never want my message to be anything less than 100% authentic.

Fitness, wellness & healthy living choices should always be about feeling better, getting stronger & becoming more confident.

Understanding clients have limited time and energy, I have designed workout programs & offered health & wellness ideas for so many....whether it be listening about problems or client's aches & pains or both. Helping clients and offering positive solutions runs deep into my soul.

And so it is with this experience that I am venturing onto a new path....

While maintaining my moirasfitness business, I am excited to announce my decision to work in Real Estate on Boston's North Shore!

This is a great opportunity to continue to build relationships with people, just in a new way. After all, those relationships are what truly enriches my life.

Please know that I will continue to share fitness ideas & healthy living with you.

I look forward to connecting with you soon.

Thanks for listening & enjoy the holiday weekend...
