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"Negative Nelly?" or "Sally Superstar?!"

Moira's Blog Posts

"Negative Nelly?" or "Sally Superstar?!"

sharing my experience & ways to stay motivated, healthy & strong

I'll be honest with you.
This is a tough time of year for me, even without the Coronavirus.
Masks or not, tears will be shed from me or any mother bringing their child to a new school or college campus.
They are ready, we get that.
But it's the change that really sinks in.
It's the memories when you return to your messy house & suddenly instead of nagging your kids to pick up a wet towel, put the dishes in the dishwasher & for the love of _______ don't smoke or drink too much! (#adulting101)
You're immediately sad that they have flown the coop.
It's the feeling of "how did that happen?" or "now what?"
It's the realization that they are no longer present.
When I stare out my window,
I remember all those days of playing catch & tying shoes.
And teaching them to skate, ski & bicycle.
And the sledding parties.
And the birthdays.
And the sports teams, boyscouts or rehearsals.
And the dinners.
Their friends & teachers.
And (in later years) the conversations & (heated) debates about education, politics & the Coronavirus.

So, for God's sake, don't open that email from Shutterfly that says, "Here's where you were five, nine or twelve years ago.

(That's the fastest way to feel old and defeated ~ trust me, don't go down that rabbit hole!)

Similar to losing a loved one or getting fired from a job,
let's first recognize the emotions, feel them, understand them & then

Yup, I'm talking to you...
whatever changes have happened in the last five months,
or maybe just a stagnant situation~

You need to decide:
are you going to be "Negative Nelly?" or "Sally Superstar?!"

I participated in a motivational training last Spring...

It was a virtual event on ZOOM...and it was at nighttime, 7--9pm. I must admit~I was sitting down with my dinner & a glass of wine, when Karissa's energy lit up the screen!!! She asked us really tough questions about who we are & what we want.

She designed two personas: (Negative Nelly) was sad & depressed, worried about what other people think of her, not confident at all & basically let fear rule her thinking.

The other side (Sally Superstar) unleashed the power within...she is confident, determined & passionate. Sally's "got this!"

I have thought of this coach often over the last few months, especially when working with clients on ZOOM. You could feel her energy come across the screen!! She asked us to sit up straight, put down the glass of wine, take notes & be present!

"Are you with me?!?!" "Then I want you to type YES in the chat..." "Give me a thumbs up in the chat!" "Come on! I only see 30 responses so far...where are the rest of you?"

I know from my days in corporate sales...DO NOT GET ON THE PHONE if you are feeling down. Well, now we can also STAY OFF ZOOM if we are not feeling strong. Whether it's an email, phonecall, post or ZOOM, your emotions will come across~1000%.

We need to achowledge the changes and any losses during this difficult time, let it go & move on.

Doesn't matter your age.

Doesn't matter your experience.

Write a "to do" list...figure out the gameplan and keep moving forward!

There's always a solution.

Problems create opportunities.

I understand that we are all at different spaces & places in our lives...but I can tell you that exercising will help bring out a more confident, determined & stronger you in body, mind & spirit.

Turns out, when we exercise it creates
change in your microbiome,
which releases chemicals in your body to improve your health.

You can actually reverse gene patterns through lifestyle choices.

Working out will increase your serotonin, which
improves your mood & brings oxygen to your blood, ultimately boosting your immune system!

Ditch "Negative Nelly," find your inner
"Sally Superstar" persona, keep it moving & go for it!!

Apply these same ideas to your health & wellness. Set the goals, write them down and get it into your's the time to get educated on

#safeexercising, #cleaneating and #healthyliving.


the best defense is a good offense