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Summer Check-In

Moira's Blog Posts

Summer Check-In

it’s summer...& the COVID-19 pandemic is still going...throwing all of us into one transition or another.  

how are you doing?


I must admit that some days are easier than others.


Some days are hotter than others, too.


I recently took my kids on a little road trip to Newport, RI for the day and I was talking a lot about my summer experience there in my 20s....working as an advertising sales rep for a magazine—my dream job—and going out with girlfriends every night!  Aaah...those were the days.


So I went home after that and reviewed my old briefcase with my collection of achievements, resumes & transcripts.


I used to dream about the future with rosy colored glasses...  In fact, every day I read my horoscope wondering what the world had in store for me.  

I didn't know what I didn't know. 


I didn't have enough experience to know that sometimes life throws you curveballs, or “transitions,” and we can dodge to catch the ball or simply watch it fly by you.  You’re forced to choose one path or another...and either way is fine...  It is what it is.  


So what is it, should we live completely in the present?  Like our kids?


  Let's face it...holding on to the past or worrying about the future will create more anxiety.


Why not paint the new picture with the VALUABLE EXPERIENCE from our past & build REALISTIC GOALS for our future!

'Pretty sure that will make the present easier...

Right now it’s a difficult time.  Many of us have job changes, vacation cancellations, financial stress, new family dynamics and/or worry for our health & safety.


Yes, we need to wear masks to protect ourselves...
But we still have choices.


Choose to be optimistic.  Dig deep. Every day.  Yes, you can....

Choose to create a new path for yourself. 


Choose to make your vision board.


Choose to review your resume or old files & photos.... you’ve come a long way & this proves it! 


With every twist & turn in life brings choices...


With every problem lies opportunity.


It's a daily decision to set our intentions, write things down & follow through...whether it be for your fitness, wellness, job searching or general happiness.  

Keep calm & move ahead...each day take one or two small positive steps forward.

It's truly all in your perspective!