The Space in Between
As the weeks in global quarantine are passing by, many of us have settled into a new normal.
One without gyms and dining out and going to offices.
One with more family, more time to focus, and more time to aspire for greater things in life.
We’re in this in between space walking this strange thin line…
One of fear mixed with enjoyment.
One of panic but also calm.
We’re in a time knowing things aren’t normal but they will eventually be normal again.
The in between – the not knowing when things will go back to normal can be agonizing.
The hard part about this for so many people is that it’s entirely out of our control.
We want to control. We want certainty.
And it is simply impossible to control a pandemic.
Really, we are always kind of under the delusion that we’re in control of our own world.
Some people are using this opportunity to step up their life’s game – they’re creating new
businesses or working on projects that have been on the to-do list forever.
Others are paralyzed by fear due to losses of a job or the complete lack of familiarity in how
we’re living right now.
It’s all ok. There’s no right or wrong response to an experience none of us have ever had before.
Let's acknowledge, understand & even feel the sadness.
And then make a plan to move on.
Create that new attitude.
Like my mother used to say after my sisters & I were crying...
"Use a cold, wet facecloth and dry your tears."
It works.
I feel people's anxiety all around me, & I get it.
But staying sad & focusing on things beyond our control will only add to the overwhelm.
It's time to create new opportunities.
To change the gameplan.
We will always be impacted by these events, but my hope is that it’s all for the better on the
other side…and I really believe it can be.
So, when you’re finding yourself torn or paralyzed by the state of the world, the news, and the
four walls of your home, (and I get it, because I''m here, too...)
Go inward.
How can we choose to make this the best possible, growth-oriented experience?
How can we show our friends, family and ourselves what
It means to be "resilient?"
I promise answering that question will help us all get through this with a lot more ease.
We are all in this together...let's stay connected & seek out new opportunities
Let me know the silver linings you’ve uncovered in all of this.
I am here to support you ~ reach out
We are #alonetogether