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everything's a phase...

Moira's Blog Posts

everything's a phase...

if there's one thing I've learned from growing up the youngest of seven children, weaving my way through school & jobs, settling into the suburbs and raising a family it is
"everything's a phase."

whether you are thinking:

"can't wait to get there"
"vacation is going by too quickly!"
"they're growing up too fast!"
"hurry up and wait..."


remember feeling so embarrassed of your parents? the teachers who drove you crazy? old part time jobs? will I ever get married and buy a house? changing diapers & the 5--7pm bewitching hour? driving kids to sports & activities three hours a day & drinking another iced coffee? working via ZOOM from your dining room table without breathing any fresh air?


your journey will present you with different paths. and yes, you are in control of whether to take the exit, or to turn around.

but when you see life presented as different phases or stages, it's so much easier to feel powerful and in control of your own destiny.

it's not a perfect path. there are bumps, maybe even some potholes. you might trip & fall~but you can recover and get back up! and you'll be stronger.

we need to support each other along the way.

In honor of Valentine's Day, I'm sending you some positive vibes & love today.

reach out!

I am so happy to help you with your health & wellness journey!

and now helping people find a home to support their next phase of life: upgrading. downsizing. creating more space.

because it's all about #safeexercising #cleannutrition#healthyliving....
and ultmately
