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Moira's Blog Posts

What is "HIIT" and Why Do I Need It in My Life?

Moira Riccio

"H.I.I.T" stands for "High Intensity Interval Training."  You will need it in your life if you want a quick, high energy, fat-burning workout that takes only 1/2 hour.
In that case, who doesn't need this?
Choose a workout you like to do:  walking, running, biking, indoor cycling, elliptical.  After a 3 minute warm up, go as fast as you can for 30 seconds, then recover for 2 minutes.  Repeat 10x.  Cool down and stretch for 5 more minutes.

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November 1st is almost here~you know what that means...

Moira Riccio

Halloween!  Reeces, Kit Kats, Milky Ways, Snickers.  You stop into CVS for a quick bottle of shampoo and you find yourself staring at the front display.  Do you really have so many trick-or-treaters?  I know, I know, it may get the best of you--but remember we're all in this together!  Stay strong!  Save the Reeces for the kids and nibble on some dark chocolate….  Don't let those ghosts and goblins scare you!

November 1st also means the start of later Fall.  Dark mornings, darker evenings…and you want a cozy meal when you arrive home after a long day.  How do you fit in the healthy eating component to your life?  Time management, my friends.

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Sleep Deprivation

Moira Riccio

Sure, we all know that being sleep-deprived affects your job performance, slows down our analytical skills, and zaps our energy level.  But did you know that it also makes you hungry?!

Here's an interesting report from NPR:
"...there's a kind of very basic assumption that people who do not get enough sleep leads to not enough activity, and therefore, not as many calories burned.  But on a deeper level, we also know that sleep deprivation causes insulin resistance, which leads to higher blood sugars, weight gain.  However the most critical finding is that just 3 weeks' worth of sleep deprivation will change the fundamental hormones regulating appetite and satiation, the feeling full....."

The report goes on to state that, "when you don't get enough sleep, you start to feel hungry even when you shouldn't be hungry."

So, it's not just stress that triggers over-eating, it's sleep deprivation, too!

Food for thought, my friends....

Nighty night,

Cardio, Core or Weights?

Moira Riccio

What to do, what to do....there's only so much time in the day to exercise!   The answer is "all of the above."  Mix it up, so you get a balance.  Just get a little something in each day.  Take the stairs at work, instead of the elevator.  Walk the dog at night before you sit down to watch a TV show.  Read a book while on a stationary exercise bike.   When you're watching a TV show tonight, grab your free weights and curl, press and lift for 20 minutes.  Then during the commercials, try a plank.  30 seconds, 60 seconds, 90 seconds.   Keep trying!  

As we grow older, we lose muscle mass, and therefore don't burn calories as effectively.  So yes, get your resistance/weight-lifting done.  This increases strength.  Working on your core and Pilates will help with balance and flexibility.  If you are looking to burn calories and lose weight, "Cardio is King!" Spinning, running, walking, swimming 2x/week is excellent in addition to these other things.

Have you heard of Tabata training?  I can teach it to you: it's 25 minutes of intervals (cycling, running, walking, swimming or any variation of bootcamp-style moves) and boosts your metabolism for the rest of the day!

Sometimes, "Life gets in the way," of course.  We all have responsibilities and time is important.  If you are looking to coordinate all of these ideas into one hour, call me for a private session... to "Keep the Peace" with you and your body!


What's in Your Water may Impact Your Overall Wellness

Moira Riccio

What type of water do you drink:  Tap?  Purified?  Bottled?  Mineral?  Spring?  SMART Water?

As it turns out, it does make a difference what type of water you drink, especially when you are exercising.  Certain types of water (with minerals) are more readily absorbed into your body, and help to balance between acidic and alkaline foods.

You know how you drink some water and you feel really full?  Well, sometimes that particular type of water could be lacking in minerals which our bodies truly need -- especially in this age of busy schedules and eating on-the-run.   'Bottom line, when you eat alot of processed foods, they may throw off your pH Balance, and you will most likely feel sluggish and lethargic, perhaps the next day.  "Healthy" water, which may contain electrolytes, potassium bicarbonate, calcium chloride & magnesium chloride will help balance out all those acidic foods and make you happier & smarter.;)

Check out your bottle today!

Sssh...It's Intelliskin ~ thats her secret!

Moira Riccio

Yes, Pilates training will reduce lower back pain, strengthen your CORE, and improve your posture.  However, it is important to be aware of your day-to-day stance, stride and posture.  If you are ever interested I can offer to you a "Postural Analysis" where we can discuss and create an exercise program designed to help you with a more balanced approach.   It really does take that day-to-day awareness of holding your shoulders back and down~just like your Momma always told ya!

BUT, even Momma would love the Intelliskin sports bra.  OMG it is awesome and literally pulls your shoulders back and down.  You use all those muscles in your back that we work in our classes, or your training session.  (The "breastroke" for example...)

I received this recommendation from one of my favorite clients, and want to share with you.  Again, we work daily on good posture, strong abs to support lower back, and lengthening and strengthening...but this could be a little help along the way!

Stand tall & look up,
Moira, 5'4"

Are You Feeling Sassy Today?!

Moira Riccio

According to the "Flat Belly Diet" book, this creative mixture helps you to feel less bloated, along with a few other tricks....   For example, eating 4 mini-meals with protein and healthy monounsaturated fats, eating slowly (!), and yes~moving around and exercising more -- especially when your body is not accustomed to it.  'Like a brisk walk after dinner.:)

I am not one who "cleanses" or decides to eat only cabbage and watermelon for 2 weeks to drop weight.  As I tell my kids, "Nobody likes to eat more than me!"  However, if you do feel just overwhelmed with work schedule, and maybe traveling lately and haven't had a chance to eat healthy,  try it for a few days and see how you feel!

Sassy Water Recipe
2 liters water
1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger
1 medium cucumber, peeled and thinly sliced
1 medium lemon
12 mint leaves

Mix all ingredients and refrigerate overnight.

Keeping the Peace with your (CORE) digestive system,

Have you hugged your foam roller recently?

Moira Riccio

Aaaah....the foam roller ~ that funky-looking, long, white cylinder that Moira brings out on occasion to do a CORE warm up?  Yes, that's it.  Does it make you feel uncomfortable?  Well it shouldn't....  The foam roller is so good for you to not only do exercises to strengthen your abdominal muscles, but also it's a wonderful way to release tension and tightness in your muscles.

I read a book about it titled, "The Melt Method."  It was fascinating how this Fitness Instructor, turned massage therapist described how to use the foal roller for each area of your body safely and to constructively work through the fascia connective tissue around your muscles.  "The Melt Method" recommends foam rolling once a day so stay active without pain.

To learn more, get in touch with me and I can teach you a full hour of exercises so that you feel long and lean, and ready to stride through the day.

Over and out,

Flat Belly Diet

Moira Riccio

Is there such a thing?   As a Personal Trainer specializing in CORE conditioning, I felt compelled to check it out....    "The Flat Belly Diet" book offers ideas you have heard before: portion control (small to medium),  mini-meals throughout the day (4 to 5), avoid processed foods, and white sugar.  One thing I did find interesting however was their suggestion to eat healthy, "monounsaturated fats," and how ultra important it is for your body ~ keeping things moving smoothly, if you know what I mean.;)

What does this mean to you?  Adding in olives, olive oil, nuts & seeds, avocados, and dark chocolate to each one of your meals is considered a very good, healthy choice for your diet.  Of course lean proteins, fruits and veggies along the way as well.  Think "Paleo" diet with a few dark chocolate bars along the way!

So I tried it, and I will say that it fills you up!   I do feel more satisfied.

Food for thought my friends, as we begin a new Fall season...the one where we crave those warm, comfort foods to warm our hearts.   Keep the Peace by using those recipes lower in carbs, and add those healthy fats.  Try out my healthy recipe this month of White Chicken Chili -- with avocado, of course!

What's on the Menu tonight, Mrs. Riccio?

Moira Riccio

Many of you may be surprised to know that yes, I do post a weekly menu.  Why?  Well, at this point in my life, raising four children especially, I have come to realize how much actual time I spend shopping for food, cooking food, serving food, and sometimes even disposing of food....  It's pathetic.  So I figured if I organized a menu and literally wrote down what I planned to cook when, I wouldn't forget about that bunch of kale or red grapes I bought at the grocery store.

Even if you are single, or married without kids, buying the rights foods is critical to healthy eating and overall wellness.  And of course, when you choose the right foods, you feel better and you are more apt to get in your car and drive to the gym, right?  Right. (!)

I also like to be efficient with my time in the kitchen.  I "powercook" ~ a new word perhaps ~ make 2 meatloaves, cook one and freeze the other.  Create a huge batch of turkey chili and freeze it in individual portions so you can sit down with a hot bowl when you get in from a long day.  When your kitchen is stocked with good food choices, you will eat better and feel better.

Remember the 80/20 rule: Eat well 80% of the time and snack 20% of the time.  That and a menu and you're "good to go!"

Here it is:

Monday      meatloaf (beef with herbed stuffing mix, eggs, ketchup and water), prepared mashed potatoes (I grew up in an Irish household and I HATE to peel my sister gave me the tip of the refridgerated ones in the medium-sized black container.) & kale chips, peas
Tuesday      roasted chicken on the bone, with mini potatoes and onions, green salad
Wednesday DiLuigi turkey burgers, angel hair pasta with park cheese, corn
Thursday    DiLuigi chicken sausages, reduced fat cheddar cheese (whole grain) quesadillas and salad
Friday         chicken kabob salads from North Beverly Roast Beef 978-927-7353~awesome
Saturday     takeout pizza from Mangia
Sunday       salmon on the grill, brown rice pilaf,  salad

Bon Appetit!

Starbucks~do you have one in your neighborhood?

Moira Riccio

Well, I hope so.   Everyone goes through different phases in life, but this coffee buzz phase is now going on three years.  My husband brought home a giftcard for Starbucks one day, and offered it to me.  (He doesn't drink coffee.  -- 'Just another way in which we are opposite)  Anyway, I started going there and have grown to love it.  Ok, I may be hooked, some would call it addicted, not sure.  Whatever it is, I have found some truly interesting conversations with the customers who stop in for their java at the same time as I do.  This is Mo's time, pouring the half n'half in just so.  And while I create my happy drink, yucking it up with Nancy & Mary (sisters), George (I am on a board with his wife), Rob (training to be a massage therapist), about the weather, then current events, and joking around.   Honestly, we are all friends now....and in fact, one time I saw one of my Starbucks friends out at a carnival with my kids, and I was a little taken aback.   "Hi Alan!"  I waved.  And my kids were like, "Who is that?!"  I almost felt as though I was cheating in a way. :o)

Then I figured it out.   You get to have a nice little chat with these people without any commitment or baggage.  You all share something in common, maybe have some connection, and then move on.  

Life has so many long-standing relationships which have their ups and downs...and you need to sometimes ride it out and hope to remain friends after a disagreement or change your lifestyle, or maybe realize that you were only close for one stage of life and not so much now.   When you see that person again, it can be awkward, right?

No worries with Mary, Nancy, Alan, George, and of course, Frank.  Just a little chat in the morning, exchange pleasantries and have a good day!  No co-worker hassles, no sibling rivalries, no heavy responsibilities.  A coffee and a smile.

May you have a little Starbucks time in your day, too!


Returning from summer vacation?

Moira Riccio

Aaaah...Labor Day Weekend,  Summer's almost over and while we all want to enjoy ourselves in the sun, relax with friends at barbecues, or just chill and grill, it's always hard to get back into the routine of exercising again.

Back to basics, my friends.  Book your next Pilates class, call a friend to join you for a Barre class or RIPPED.   Stay motivated!  The longer you wait, the harder it will be, bottom line.

You may be asking yourselves, "What does a Fitness Instructor do on vacation?  Does she eat nachos? What about ice cream?"  The answer is yes, and yes.;)  I took some time off this summer and one day stayed in my pajamas until 11am.  For this early-bird girl, that's unheard of!  I actually took it down a thousand and read a book... had a second or third cup of coffee and then went for a walk.

Squeezing in some fitness time is always a challenge for us, especially on vacation!
'Just gotta "put one foot in front of the other...?"

Here are a few ideas to get going again:

1. Set goals for yourself, monthly and weekly
2. Get the time into your routine~there's always busier people than you exercising!
3. Remind yourself, "What am I getting out of this?"  And write it down.
4. Early bird bootcamp?  Lie your workout gear out in your bathroom.  Then when you first get up you won't hesitate looking at that messy closet.
5. Give yourself a little reward, preferably not a food item.

Preventative Measures ~ 'Just a couple suggestions....;)

Moira Riccio

We all want to stay in shape for the present day-to-day positive attitude, cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength, better balance and increased flexibility, as well as improved posture.  But what about preventative measures?  Planning for the future, I mean....   How can we stay looking forward and not backwards?  Working out (the right way for you) can certainly help to prevent injury.

It's just like what our healthcare providers are recommending these days ~ go to the gym and we will offer you a discount on insurance!  The world is changing.   This mindset also correlates to what we eat and how we feel.  It's cause and effect.  Action and consequences.

For example: eat a McDonalds cheeseburger or any food with lots of preservatives, and you may feel heavy and sick to your stomach.   I love bread but when I eat too much of it, I definitely feel bloated the next day -- ugh.  So before you order your next meal out this weekend, think about how you will feel later.

Another suggestion to feeling good each day is Apple Cider Vinegar.  A daily dose will help to cleanse, heal and support your body.  Just add 2 Tablespoons daily to a glass of water and help yourself to regulate pH balance, lower blood pressure, relieve allergy symptoms and nausea among many other things.   Apple cider vinegar also helps to reduce inflammation.

If you don't feel that helps, another little tip is to take a hot bath and dissolve 1 to 2 cups of good ol' Epsom Salt.  It's a cheap alternative to those expensive bathsalts and it contains magnesium and sulfate ~ necessary minerals for our bodies to work at the optimum.

Food for thought, my friends!
Remember, this will help to "Keep the Peace" within you;)

Stay Positive~No Matter What!

Moira Riccio

'Sorry I haven't been posting the past few days....  Things got a little hectic, I have to admit and "life got in the way" of positive energy, enthusiasm and good ideas.  Yup, it happens to the best of us.   Within the past few weeks, I have been boggled down with extra activities and some schedule changes, and it was making me a little "blue."  But alas~I have snapped out of it~back to my usual upbeat, perky self ~ I know you are all relieved!!!

The real question is: "How did I do it?"  It all comes back to that saying I heard over and over, growing up, "If you don't have something positive to say, don't say it at all."  I even started saying it in my spinning classes: when we got into a difficult part of the program, "Think of all the positive things you have accomplished this week."  It really does make a difference!

Have you ever heard Oprah's advice about staying positive (and as a result healthy):)?  She recommends writing down in a journal the 5 good things that happened to you each day.  It really feels good, I have to admit!  In fact, I used to ask my kids the same question as I was putting them to sleep each night, "What was the best thing that happened today?"  (I sometimes waited up to a long minute for the response, but it eventually came!!)

My Aunt is a veteran elementary school teacher and principal (truly examining human nature at its purest), and she says she encourages the kids getting off the school bus to do the same thing.  While greeting the kids with a friendly, "Good Morning!" a sad little girls approaches her each day.  Aunt Eula suggests to her, "Sarah, isn't there something good about today?"  "No." Sarah replies.  "There must be something ~ what did you eat for breakfast today?"  Sarah smiles a little bit ans says, "Waffles with syrup."  So now each day, the seasoned teacher asks her about the waffles and then a little bit more positive feedback each day.  Eventually Sarah (it may have been halfway through the year but even so!) started saying, "Good Morning."

That's your choice (and everyone's) to remain positive or let the little things get you down....

Today my five things are:  Seeing my clients in an early-bird Reformer class,  coffee at Starbucks,
successfully getting my kids out the door for camp, reading a new book from the library, and grilling salmon to perfection!  In between all the other mundane chores I did today, when I fall asleep I only think of those.

Sleep tight,

Eat a Carrot Little Bunny;)

Moira Riccio

So I used to read this book to my children when they were young, "The Runaway Bunny."  The Momma bunny follows the baby bunny around and says, "I will take care of you no matter what."  The little bunny rebels and tries to run away ~ imagining itself as a bear, a cloud, a tree to escape the Momma, but the Momma always finds a way to the baby.  At the end of the sweet story of unconditional love, the Momma bunny says, "Now eat your carrot."

And that's what it all comes down to, doesn't it?  We all need to hold that carrot out and reach for it as a reward (even though it's food...) to give ourselves little things to look forward to.  As my friend and former roommate used to say to me, "If you don't take care of yourself, who will?"

So that's the wellness idea for the day, June 26, 2013:  Plan out your day, week, month and summer with little rewards along the way.  That's really simply a version of setting goals, whether it be watching our diet and/or exercising and feeling good about ourselves.  Look ahead on the calendar and go out to dinner with friends, take a boat cruise or stand-up paddle along the ocean, go see a concert!

We all need those carrots along the way!;)

"The Science and Sweat of the High-Intensity Workouts"

Moira Riccio

This was the recent topic from NPR's "On Point" news program, with Tom Ashbrook.   P90X, Crossfit, Tabata, Insanity....  Is it really better for you to do these shorter high-energy burts of cardio, or should you just go out for a long walk?

The answer is time.

If you want to seriously burn calories and don't have alot of time, you can create your own Tabata-style of workout, even on your walk!    Put those headphones on and walk, jog, run in intervals for 25 minutes.  Do 10 of them, for example and pace yourself accordingly around a High School running track, or in between telephone poles in your neighborhood.  The transition is where you burn the calories, because you are asking your body to go from zero to sixty quickly.

And always keep in mind, as you get older, mix it up.  Walk, jog, run one morning and then the next morning life some weights while watching the morning news.  Or, if you prefer too sleep in and exercise at night, do things during the commercials.  You will get stronger, and really make a difference if you exercise when your body is used to be relaxed.  Mix it up this summer with a stroll after dinner, since it's light out, for example, if you only exercise in the morning.

So figure out how much time you have and plan accordingly.  Squeeze it in the best you can~it's important!!

Keep the Peace within your schedule,

Summertime Bootcamp!

Diane Dixon

So, it's June and you realize that Summer is upon you and it's bathing suit season, and you have no time to get to the gym, or call your cheery Personal Trainer.  What do you do?  As they say in elementary school, "Drop Everything and Move!"  Here is your 20 minute workout you can do at home, even while watching TV...

25 Jumping Jacks
25 Jumping Rope
20 wall sits
10 pushups
20 abdominal crunches
20 "get up and sit downs" -- sit on a low step stool
20 lunges -- each leg
5 planks, each time take 5 deep breaths
30 seconds high knees
30 second jumping lunges
30 second mountain climbers
downdog to plank 10 x
child pose

Do this when your body least expects it~early morning, or at night, or at lunch hour.  Re-charge your batteries.;)

Memorial Day Weekend ~ manage your expectations...

Diane Dixon's the official start of summer: Memorial Day Weekend!  I always look forward to this weekend for an extra day of relaxation -- connecting with good friends, riding my bike with no time commitment, walking my dog on the beach, having a cookout with my family without electronics where everyone gets along -- even though it doesn't always work out the way I expect.  Isn't that the way with so many thing?  Manage your expectations, and you will naturally be more positive about your daily experiences.

Ya, ya, ya we all want to go to the beach this weekend -- got your beach pass and towel all ready to go?  Well, it's going to be rainy, damp and cold.  How about buying a ticket to a movie that your neighbor told you was "the best she ever saw" and you are puzzled as to why she thought it was so good!   Try out a new restaurant for the big Saturday night date, and your meal is overcooked~what are you going to do?!

Take a deep breath and manage your expectations, that's what.

Throw on a fleece jacket and hike the beach in boots instead!  Step out of the theatre and shop the mall.    Order another glass of Chardonnay and say to yourself, "It's not the last time I will eat a so-so meal out at a restaurant!"

So as we prepare for a wonderful summer with hopes of rest and relaxation, remember that often times, "life gets in the way."  So try your best to carve out sometime to yourself, in one way or another, but remember ~ if it doesn't meet your expectations, there's always a positive side to it ~ the "silver lining." Step back, and turn it around for the good, to mentally "Keep the Peace."  It's all good!

Warm Wishes for a healthy, fun and relaxing weekend,

Here's the Skinny~Stay Strong and Keep Moving!

Diane Dixon

So, why do you want to workout anyway?  Is it because you want to "get skinny?"  Sure, that's fine, but more importantly -- as we grow older, it's critical to keep moving, and build strength.   According to Prevention magazine this month, "Exercise if the very best builds muscle, stabilizes joints, increases flexibility -- especially core conditioning and strength training."  And this, my friends, is how you "Keep the Peace" within you....  It only gets more challenging the older you start!!

So get moving today~a walk after dinner with the longer daylight....

Make it fun: grab a partner, a friend at work to walk at lunch this summer!

Keep it fresh: try something new for the next month and see if you like it.

We all know exercise lifts our spirits as well!  Mix up your routine with a little bit of cardio (walking, running, cycling, swimming) and conditioning (try a Barre class or RIPPED).  And just stay positive...Who knows, you may end up getting skinny along the way!;)


What's so special about Reformer?

Moira Riccio

The Pilates Reformer was originally designed as a rehab machine, about 100 years ago by Joseph Pilates.  Today's modern-day version looks like a bed, actually, with straps and pulleys.  The machine uses spring resistance so that, as you pull or press your whole body weight, the tension is on your muscles the entire time.   Most importantly, you breathe into every move, so you relax as well.

You sit, or kneel, or stand on a moving "bed," called the carriage, so as you strengthen and tone arms and legs, you build CORE stability.  Many of the exercises you do are in the "neutral"position with you lower back, so it's incredibly good to reduce lower back pain and improve your posture.

It's "intelligent exercise with profound results."  (according to STOTT Pilates)

It's functional exercise.

It's a jungle gym for adults!

Try it and see how you feel.....   Call me if you are interested in learning more about it.  I can teach you the five basic principles of Pilates and how they correlate to the Reformer.  It's all good ~ in fact, it's truly awesome!