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Moira's Blog Posts

Organic or not?!

Moira Riccio

I don't know about you…but I have heard a lot about organic foods, and why they are better…but then I look at the prices in the grocery stores and wonder, "Is it really worth it?!"  "Can I start now, and will it make a difference?"

Here are some foods that have the highest pesticides…always buy "organic:"

* celery, peaches, strawberries, apples, blueberries, nectarines, bell peppers, spinach, kale, cherries, potatoes, grapes.

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What is Fascia? How does it Affect You?

Moira Riccio

In the fitness industry right now, "fascia" is the latest buzzword….but watch out, it's could be here to stay!
Fascia is defined as:  A sheet or band of fibrous connective tissue enveloping, separating, or binding together organs and other soft structures of the body.
"Fascia" is multi-layered, and a whole network of connective tissue surrounding individual elements of the body…including organsmuscles, nerves, and blood vessels.  In essence, fascia assists with turning muscle contraction into coordinated movements with minimal wear and tear on your joints.  Research shows that breaking up the tight connective tissue~fascia~surrounding your muscles and joints will help you to move more freely.

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More Energy!

Moira Riccio

That's right, exercising brings you more energy….   And, I don't know about you, but it really helps me to stay on top of it and in a good mood to deal with my life!

When you exercise, your brain releases endorphins -- "feel good" chemicals that improve your mood.  So if you feel sad or anxious, slide on your toe sox and get to one of my classes!

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Super Immunity

Moira Riccio

That's the title of this book by Joel Fuhrman, MD.  "People who exercise regularly have fewer and milder colds--at least that's what we perceive, and exercise enthusiasts brag about not being as sick as sedentary folks."  However the author goes on to tell us that studies do show the following:

*  Frequency of colds among people who exercise 5 or more times each week was 46% less than those people who did not exercise.

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Which Diet is the Best Long Term?

Moira Riccio

This is according to The Boston Globe's "G" section today….the Annals of Internal Medicine randomly assigned 150 people to follow either a low fat or low carbohydrate diet plan, and found that those who followed the first choice -- low carbohydrates -- lost 8 more pounds than the low fat plan.

But what kinds of "carbohydrates" and "fats" were they using?   And how much physical activity were these candidates doing?  You need carbs to move.  You need healthy fats to digest.  An overall combination of carbs, fats and proteins is the best choice.   

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Words of Wisdom

Moira Riccio

So this summer, Oprah sponsored a line of teas at Starbucks and offered her words of wisdom on the sleeves on the cardboard cups.  Every day when I order my "venti pike," I would read one of the five sentences offering advice.  Here they are…

"Live from the heart of yourself.  Seek to be whole, not perfect."    (does this mean, "condition from the inside out?"  or maybe, "Smell the roses, and blow out the birthday candles?")

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Motivation is what gets you started, Habit is what keeps you going

Moira Riccio

"Should I exercise in the morning or evening?"   Ultimately, the best time to workout is whenever you can squeeze it in….   It's most productive if you can ask a friend to join you~ think the "buddy system."

Research has shown that those who exercise in the morning receive five additional benefits however:

1.   Greater overall lifelong adherence rate
2.   Higher number of endorphins produced
3.   More productive ensuing workday
4.   Better sleep patterns
5.   Overall boosted metabolism

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Summer Sands

Moira Riccio

Is walking or running in the sand any better for you than the pavement?  When you run barefoot, you use the balls on your feet more, and engage your glutes to propel the hips forward...however your stride may shorten a little bit.  You run slower, but use more energy digging into the earth.  It's really an even swap.  If you are looking for timed results, stick with the pavement, or if you don't mind walking or running at a slower pace, hit the beach.  I'll meet you there anytime.;)

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Fitness Trends & Should I Follow Them?

Moira Riccio

"I keep hearing about Barre, Barre, Barre…and I just think it's so boring!"  I recently heard this from one of favorite clients who was looking for something new.  Fitness is a very personal decision.  And, people feel very strongly about what they are doing.

I always say, "Mix it up."  Sure, try a Barre class and add it into everything else you are doing, but don't drop everything else!  Sometimes if your body is not used to a new program and you go "from zero to sixty" too fast, you may end up with any injury.  

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Pyramid to Fitness

Moira Riccio

                                          Your Overall Fitness Pyramid

You can do it!  We are all a work in progress…:)  Get started today and "put it in your routine."

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Pilates for Sports Conditioning

Moira Riccio

There are so many benefits to Pilates, especially working on the Reformer machine…

  • Increased range of motion & flexibility
  • Core strengthening and stability
  • Injury prevention
  • Improved focus & concentration (maybe even better sleeping)
  • Reduced stress
  • Relief from back pain
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Winter Blues

Moira Riccio

I know, I know….  This Winter is a doozy!  Right about now, I want to put my snow scraper away for a very long time.   Brace yourselves -- more snow is predicted.  It might start to get you down, you know?  Sick of those boots?  Tired of hunching over toward the car?  Slipping on the ice?  Maybe hibernating a little bit watching the Olympics?  Me, too.


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Setting Goals

Moira Riccio

Setting fitness goals can be tricky.  Life often "gets in the way…."  Try it the SMART way:

S -- Specific
M -- Measurable
A -- Action Plan
R -- Realistic
T -- Timed

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New Year's Resolutions? How to Ditch the Bad Habits and Develop Good Ones

Moira Riccio

It's that time of year, and we are all thinking ahead~what changes can I make for the better in 2014?  Well, when you are considering changing habits, remember three things: a cue, a routine, and a reward.

Often times we automatically perform a habit simply by the certain time of day, or when our surroundings change~that's the cue.  For example, do you eat more at a certain time of the day, to unwind and relax?  Consider whether you can unwind and relax simply by eating less and/or being with family instead, giving yourself a cup of tea instead.

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How Mo Got Her Job

Moira Riccio

There's a children's book entitled, "How Santa Got His Job."  It's really funny, and tells how Santa had all these different jobs before delivering presents all over the world.  He started off as a short order cook, but ate too much of the food and was fired.  Then he delivered packages, but there were so many barking dogs that he delivered the packages down the chimney instead, getting fired again.  It is a child's story book but with deeper meaning to anyone who wonders, "Is this where I am supposed to be?"

We all make decisions about jobs, boyfriends, family and those decisions lead us down different paths, for better, for worse.  Let me just say that I can honestly say, being a Personal Trainer, Fitness Instructor and Coach is the place for me.:)  I, of course, was born with the "gift of gab," and figuring out how to talk so fast using proper cueing techniques is key to not for everyone.  But I have been reading to my children for years, and I would make up different voices for each character I would pretend to be.  Ask me sometime about my English accent!

I am the youngest of seven children, which of course allowed me to watch others often, giving me a solid sense how to "read" people, how they are feeling or how strongly they want to workout on a particular day.

I was a waitress for years, and therefore, can prioritize and organize exercises into an hour-long session.  

I have been a minivan-driving Mom for years, carpooling to multiple places in the same day.  This takes a lot of planning and preparation~for not only the destination but the dinner!  When, and what, is everyone going to eat?  And this also adds to my talent for cueing while moving in an exercise class~driving while throwing snacks and juices boxes to the back of a minivan isn't easy, you know!

I was in corporate sales, which helped me to improve my overall communication skills.  My boss once said to me, "Enthusiasm is contagious," and he was right!

I was an injured athlete at one point as well, which will always give me the compassion for helping others to be better, faster, stronger, and healthier.

As we approach the new year, let's strive to see the positive side of things and perhaps build on that idea that we are where we are supposed to be, and can be all the better for it!

Happy New Year,

"To Be or Not To Be" Gluten Free?

Moira Riccio

There's so much to keep track of these days with recommended nutritional guidelines...Should you watch your carbs, fats, sugars or gluten?   Everything in moderation, of course but here are a few ideas for you with your nutrition:

Gluten is found in wheat, barley, flour and (some) oats and tends to bind up the system, increase inflammation and enhance fatigue.   Bottom line, do what's right for you, but you may want to eat fewer cereals, breads and pastas for a week and see how you feel!

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7, 7, & 7

Moira Riccio

This refers to the "three-dimensional breathing" we all need to do at least once a day (including myself!).  Take a huge breath in through the nose for 7 seconds, hold it for 7 seconds, and then release for 7 seconds.
'Great way to manage stress.  After all, the Holidays are right around the corner….

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Brrrr…cold weather got you uptight?

Moira Riccio

Yeah, that's what I said ~ "Do you feel a little "uptight," or stiff and crickety these days?  We've all been there.  Research shows that exercise is the best medicine for your joint stiffness.  According to Prevention magazine, "…exercise is the best thing for tender joints.  It builds muscle, stabilizes joints, promotes flexibility, and keeps your weight down."  For every extra pound of weight you carry, it exerts roughly 4 pounds on each knee!

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