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#healthyliving101 ~ top ten fitness & wellness ideas for you!

Moira's Blog Posts

#healthyliving101 ~ top ten fitness & wellness ideas for you!

1.  Flexibility isn't just an afterthought, but should be a priority.  It refers to the ability to move a joint through complete range of motion.  Poor posture will inhibit your flexibility with repetitive patterns, leading to muscle imbalances, aches & pains.  If you are waking up tight all over, I know of many ways to help you...either virtually or in-person on the reformer.  


2.  The nervous system is responsible for recruitment of muscles, learned patterns of movement & virtually the functioning of every organ in your entire body.  Relaxing, getting off the grid & taking time for you is critical for your health.  Namaste.


3.  The "CORE" is at the origin of all movement.  Walking, running, cycling, paddling, rowing, lifting weights, playing tennis or paddle or pickle ball.  Maintaining proper core strength will reduce pain & prevent injury.  ~ this falls in line with my "tripping in clogs story" day while putting groceries away I tripped in my garage and fell right on my butt!  When I got up, I was sure that I hurt my hip, back or shoulder, but what truly ached was my belly and at the ribs. Remember this when you are out walking in the snow or ice, same thing...the core will help you to stay balanced.


4.  Nutrition not only helps to keep your weight down but also helps to repair tissues & growth.  Want to learn if your diet is working for you?  Want to feel less bloat?  An individually-planned nutrition strategy can enhance the results from exercise, improve your health & athletic performance, reduce the risk of disease & illness, increase energy levels and favorably alter body composition.  


5.  Consistency is everything.  Exercise, eating right or watching what we use to clean our house or what we put onto our skin.  If you're looking for help with this or accountability, let me know!


6.  Practice makes perfect with your balance... Can you put on your socks while standing up? Do you hover over the toilet seat successfully in a public bathroom?  It's a work in progress.  A little bit of habit change goes a long way. Little goals are good.  


7.  What is BMI and do you need to worry about that?  BMI, or Body Mass Index is simply a measurement.  Get out your calculator.  Multiply 703 x your weight in pounds divided by your height inches squared.  If your BMI is between 25--29, then it may be a good time to adjust your workout schedule.  No worries, just let it be a sign, like blood pressure, weight or measurements.  


8.  Coordination is a learned trait.  Incorporate some type of resistance training or weight bearing exercise works against gravity, is important for your bones, and allows us to maintain muscle strength & coordination.  


9. It is estimated that sedentary adults gain 5 pounds every decade & gain 15 pounds of fat.  Obesity is the fastest growing health problem in the country. Most people don't like to workout, but if you know the why behind the exercising, maybe this will help.🙂


10. 75% of Americans do not partake in 30 minutes of the recommended daily exercise.  Don't be that person~let's connect to keep you moving.  Find a workout buddy, play the music, be efficient with your workouts.  And remember....CORE muscles are where it's at.


Thanks for tuning in....I'd love to hear from you with any questions.🙂


Cheers to your health & wellness!