wellness step #1
We all have different backgrounds & upbringings….but if you remember the Brady Bunch & Gilligan's Island, then you probably remember a time where people smoked at the office, drank martinis @ lunch and ate canned vegetables for dinner. The whole concept of “eating less/workout more” to maintain a healthy weight was just beginning. We trusted the foods we bought at the grocery store were good for us, because that’s what it says on the outside of the box.
Times have changed. People are working longer hours & life is busier than ever before. Things need to be more convenient. Food is packaged. TV dinners are fast & easy. To keep up with this demand & to extend shelf life, food companies are putting preservatives into the food, and those additives are making us sick, fatigued & overweight.
Think about your upbringing and how wellness played into your personal story. Were meals a time to gather everyone together & celebrate? Was food a reward? Did you worry about your weight growing up? Did you exercise at all?
Tale some time today and consider your past connections with health & wellness. Times have changed. People are putting “two & two together” and realizing the cause & effect of nutrition and how it correlates to your body & mind. Eating healthy is being healthy. Exercising is a lifestyle choice that will transform your body & mind….it will have a strong impact on the rest of your life.
In order for you to make changes moving forward, you must first consider the past.