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Moira's Blog Posts

The Golden Rule: Use it to improve overall wellness...

Moira Riccio

The Golden Rule: Use it to improve overall wellness...

Sounds crazy, right?  We all know that wellness -- your "fitness level, health and happiness" -- is mostly about you.  However, thinking of others will help you to stay positive and upbeat, therefore sticking with your exercise routine, healthy eating and enhancing wellness.

But let's face it, when we are feeling a little down in the dumps, we may choose to forego our workout and/or indulge in an extra sweet treat!  And sometimes that's just fine....We all have our moments.  After all, a rainy day is a rainy day.:)  However, if you can somehow reach out to your neighbor, friend, cousin, in-law, parent or sibling in some small way ~ with a card, phone call, text, batch of cookies or bouquet of flowers ~ you will truly be amazed how wonderful it feels.

In fact, studies have shown that: **
             * Helping others contributes to the maintenance of good health, psychological and physical
             * An increased sense of self-worth, greater happiness and optimism
             * Stress-related health problems improve after performing small acts of kindness
             * A decrease in both the intensity and awareness of physical pain, ("Get your mind off things")
             * Practice of caring for others translates to immense immune system and healing benefits
             * A rush of "euphoria,"followed by a period of calm, after performing random acts of kindness

It really is true: It's better to give than to receive!  Now go enjoy a hot cup of tea and call a friend in need ~ and feel great!

Have a great weekend....

** Source: Allan Luks, The Healing Power of Doing Good: Health Benefits of Helping Others