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Moira's Blog Posts

Are You a "Foodie?"

Moira Riccio

A "Foodie" according to the definition is, "an epicure: a person devoted to the sensuous enjoyment of good food and drink."  Yup, that's me...are you?  Of course, my twist is always, "Can I create healthy food and drink that still tastes good?"  I want to have my cake and eat it, too!  I am not a nutritionist, just a foodie ~ and I've tried many different combinations over the years with cooking and baking.  This week ~ see attached ~ is the now famous turkey chili recipe.  Try it out!

So where do you buy this food?  I shop all over ~ big grocery stores and smaller specialty shops like Canaan Farm in Wenham, especially in tomato season.  If you are really into it, and want to find speciality food stores like bakeries, chocolatiers, cheese shops, purveyors, farm stands, even food trucks, or places to buy fresh from the farm meats, eggs, honey, vegetables, breads etc... go to and it will guide you in the right direction.  Localpickins is soon coming out with an app as well.

If you don't feel like cooking,  North Shore Magazine's food issue (November 2012) will guide you in the right direction of some new restaurants.  I have a couple of recommendations for you as well:

Lobsta Land in Gloucester, right off the highway.  Our very own Sara Rosetti described the breakfast as delicious...especially the anadama bread french toast!  Open now through December.  Take a ride one morning, especially if the line is too long at Depot Diner.:)

Scosso Restaurant in the North Shore Mall is opening mid-November.  A martini bar, and restaurant specializing in gourmet Italian dishes.   Vanessa Cavallo's family owns Venetian Moon in Reading, and this is their new restaurant, in the old Bertucci's location.  (Maybe after checking out the new Container Store?)

If you have a suggestion, let us know...:)  It's always good to share the wealth of good ideas.  Remember, food is life...enjoy it!

Have a great day,