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Moira's Blog Posts

What is Your Definition of a Good Day?

Moira Riccio

What would your best "Banner Day" look like?   Would it be sleeping in?  Breakfast in bed?   Time with friends?  Treating yourself to a manicure/pedicure?  Dinner and a Movie?  No work, all play ~ or a combination?  Would you exercise?

Well, I was thinking about that today when I dropped in to CVS at lunchtime to buy a card for a friend.  I ended up (as I always do) choosing several cards, and found myself laughing out loud at a few funny ones....
For example, an Easter card illustrating a little boy looking out for the bunny wishing for candy, and his cat is sitting right next to him, wishing for the bunny to "have a limp!"  Then I went into the next aisle and noticed that Tampax were ON SALE!  I have never, ever, ever seen that....:)  I thought to myself, "You know, this is a good day!"

Whatever your day turns out to be, you really need to laugh at the little things, right?  Like yesterday, I had two older ladies step up to my bakesale.  One lady was dying to purchase the pecan coffee cake (my masterpiece!) and her sister, with a cigarette hanging out of her mouth, said, "No Hazel, it's got too much sodium."  I almost laughed out loud.  But then I guess her sister was a registered nurse ~ why is it so many nurses are either out of shape or smoking?  I totally don't get that!

Have your version of a good day ~ whatever that may be.