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Moira's Blog Posts

Here's the Skinny~Stay Strong and Keep Moving!

Diane Dixon

So, why do you want to workout anyway?  Is it because you want to "get skinny?"  Sure, that's fine, but more importantly -- as we grow older, it's critical to keep moving, and build strength.   According to Prevention magazine this month, "Exercise if the very best builds muscle, stabilizes joints, increases flexibility -- especially core conditioning and strength training."  And this, my friends, is how you "Keep the Peace" within you....  It only gets more challenging the older you start!!

So get moving today~a walk after dinner with the longer daylight....

Make it fun: grab a partner, a friend at work to walk at lunch this summer!

Keep it fresh: try something new for the next month and see if you like it.

We all know exercise lifts our spirits as well!  Mix up your routine with a little bit of cardio (walking, running, cycling, swimming) and conditioning (try a Barre class or RIPPED).  And just stay positive...Who knows, you may end up getting skinny along the way!;)
