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Moira's Blog Posts

Summertime Bootcamp!

Diane Dixon

So, it's June and you realize that Summer is upon you and it's bathing suit season, and you have no time to get to the gym, or call your cheery Personal Trainer.  What do you do?  As they say in elementary school, "Drop Everything and Move!"  Here is your 20 minute workout you can do at home, even while watching TV...

25 Jumping Jacks
25 Jumping Rope
20 wall sits
10 pushups
20 abdominal crunches
20 "get up and sit downs" -- sit on a low step stool
20 lunges -- each leg
5 planks, each time take 5 deep breaths
30 seconds high knees
30 second jumping lunges
30 second mountain climbers
downdog to plank 10 x
child pose

Do this when your body least expects it~early morning, or at night, or at lunch hour.  Re-charge your batteries.;)