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Moira's Blog Posts

Flat Belly Diet

Moira Riccio

Is there such a thing?   As a Personal Trainer specializing in CORE conditioning, I felt compelled to check it out....    "The Flat Belly Diet" book offers ideas you have heard before: portion control (small to medium),  mini-meals throughout the day (4 to 5), avoid processed foods, and white sugar.  One thing I did find interesting however was their suggestion to eat healthy, "monounsaturated fats," and how ultra important it is for your body ~ keeping things moving smoothly, if you know what I mean.;)

What does this mean to you?  Adding in olives, olive oil, nuts & seeds, avocados, and dark chocolate to each one of your meals is considered a very good, healthy choice for your diet.  Of course lean proteins, fruits and veggies along the way as well.  Think "Paleo" diet with a few dark chocolate bars along the way!

So I tried it, and I will say that it fills you up!   I do feel more satisfied.

Food for thought my friends, as we begin a new Fall season...the one where we crave those warm, comfort foods to warm our hearts.   Keep the Peace by using those recipes lower in carbs, and add those healthy fats.  Try out my healthy recipe this month of White Chicken Chili -- with avocado, of course!