Which Diet is the Best Long Term?
Moira Riccio
This is according to The Boston Globe's "G" section today….the Annals of Internal Medicine randomly assigned 150 people to follow either a low fat or low carbohydrate diet plan, and found that those who followed the first choice -- low carbohydrates -- lost 8 more pounds than the low fat plan.
But what kinds of "carbohydrates" and "fats" were they using? And how much physical activity were these candidates doing? You need carbs to move. You need healthy fats to digest. An overall combination of carbs, fats and proteins is the best choice.
Here's the skinny:
1. Replace refined carbohydrates with fruits & vegetables~stock your fridge for the week
2. If you're willing to change the foods you eat, you will change slowly over time (#lifestyle)
3. Calories are calories, however combining healthy fats (olive oil, avocado, nuts) with protein and carbohydrates will definitely leave you feeling more satisfied
Eating tip of the day~instead of having that afternoon coffee or snack to get you through the commute and dinner, have a hot/cold tea and add apple cider vinegar. It levels out your pH balance and you will notice you are not so hungry;)