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Moira's Blog Posts

Long & Lean in 2015?

Moira Riccio

Happy New Year!
How are those resolutions coming along?  Aaah…"New Year's resolutions" are similar to fitness~it's a personal decision, your prerogative, you need to figure out what works for you and what doesn't.

Resolutions are goals, really.  If you are serious and determined about them, write them down and post it on your dresser or (if it's weight loss-related especially;)) your refrigerator.  'Best thing to do is share your resolutions with friends so you can stick with the plan.   Strive to attain those goals but take it day by day!  Give yourself little rewards along the way~life is short, but the days can be long….

Here are my 2015 resolutions:

1.  Walk my dog every day in the woods.  I want more fresh air and vitamin D, and being around pretty landscapes helps me relax.
2.  Speak calmly to my children.  (enough said)
3.  Stop saying, "I'm tired."  Everyone's tired~get over it!
4.  Cut down on carbs at night.  I could live forever without another brownie, but I love a good piece of toast!  (or two)  stick with the crunch of an apple, or handful of almonds.
5.  Try to write down the 3 best things that happen each day~YAY!
6.  Letting a bad or slow day ride itself out~no more overanalyzing big picture.
7.  Finally, taking deep breathes.  This may sound a title crazy for a Pilates instructor, right?  Yes, but I am the one talking and cueing quickly so others inhale & exhale.  We're all in this together!!

Now if you're resolutions are to get "long & lean in 2015," you must know by now, that I can help you with that.  If you are looking for accountability, motivation, talking through a busy day by moving & stretching & conditioning to feel better about you~then schedule a free Personal Training appointment with me this month.

After all, resolutions don't have to start on January 1st.  They can start whenever you are ready.
