Fitness Goals
Moira Riccio
While you perhaps may be re-assessing your fitness and overall goals for 2015…remember that you are a work in progress! If you need to get motivated, inspired, fit & focused~write down your goals and read them aloud each night before you go to sleep. Visualize, listen and feel yourself striving to attain those goals. Change doesn't happen overnight. We all need to figure out what works best for us.
Your Goals should be "SMART" ~ Specific, Measurable, Active, Realistic, Timed
- Maybe it's changing up or adding on to your workouts during a long, cold & snowy Winter.
- Maybe it's watching your food intake, or making better choices.
- Maybe it's creating a happy & positive work environment for you. Standing desk anyone?
- Maybe it's simply working on a daily list of gratitude
We all interact with coworkers, family members, neighbors, people big and small who can frankly bring us down. Try not to take in their negative energy! Stay positive and review that list, right?!
"Keep the Peace" in YOU!
xo Moira