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five key ingredients to a healthy lifestyle

Moira's Blog Posts

five key ingredients to a healthy lifestyle

nutrition. exercise. mindset. community. environment.

you are not alone if you are looking for balance in your life.


especially over the last two years, priorities have changed in more ways than one & most of us have been adjusting to our “new normal.”


look 👀 to these five ingredients:


nutritionyou are what you eat. everyone knows you will feel better when you make cleaner choices.  it’s not simply weight, it affects your mood & energy levels. food is medicine.


exerciseworking out will boost your immunity & help you to stay positive.


mindsetyou have the power & ability to rewrite the narrative of your day, week, year or situation. 


communitystay connected!  it’s good for the soul….🙏 I went to an extended family gathering last weekend and I couldn’t believe how good it made me feel to be “with my people” or, my community. 


environmentin my job as a personal trainer and life as a realtor, I am constantly helping clients get from one stage to the next so that they feel settled, stronger & happier.🥰 living in a home/space that suits your changing needs makes all the difference!  if you feel as though you’ve outgrown your neighborhood or surroundings, don’t get “stuck” — there are so many opportunities & solutions.