inhale & exhale your way to a relaxed mind & body
stretch & strengthen your way to the namaste...
as a former cardio junkie, I totally understand if pilates seems "boring" or too "slow" to many of you...and yet pilates is actually the very essence of movement. it is a series of precise movements to train your body to move with ease, using effective structural movement patterns...
this video is one of the first videos I did, about ten years ago. I have since recorded so many videos for people especially during the COVID pandemic.
find my youtube channel, "moirasfitness" for more videos you can do at home.:)
click to learn about pilates...
five basic principles
pilates was created by Joseph Pilates, after the last pandemic, one hundred years ago. Joe Pilates designed a pulley system to help soldiers recover from fighting in World War I, so that they could strengthen their muscles lying down in the hospital cots.
that is the origin of the modern day reformer!