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Moira's Blog Posts

Filtering by Category: Intelliskin

Sssh...It's Intelliskin ~ thats her secret!

Moira Riccio

Yes, Pilates training will reduce lower back pain, strengthen your CORE, and improve your posture.  However, it is important to be aware of your day-to-day stance, stride and posture.  If you are ever interested I can offer to you a "Postural Analysis" where we can discuss and create an exercise program designed to help you with a more balanced approach.   It really does take that day-to-day awareness of holding your shoulders back and down~just like your Momma always told ya!

BUT, even Momma would love the Intelliskin sports bra.  OMG it is awesome and literally pulls your shoulders back and down.  You use all those muscles in your back that we work in our classes, or your training session.  (The "breastroke" for example...)

I received this recommendation from one of my favorite clients, and want to share with you.  Again, we work daily on good posture, strong abs to support lower back, and lengthening and strengthening...but this could be a little help along the way!

Stand tall & look up,
Moira, 5'4"