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Moira's Blog Posts

Staying Fit & Sane

we are #strongertogether

I am writing this letter to share fitness ideas,
inspire you in your world so that
you can stay healthy & strong during the pandemic

My Mission is to help women get out of pain & live healthier lives
with safe exercise, clean nutrition & better

 skincare/beauty choices....

My Mantra is to move daily
to change habits slowly
to learn about your body & what works best.

My Intuition & Energy are real.

It’s all connected—body, mind & spirit.  

Here's one idea for you today....
"GESTURE becomes HABIT becomes POSTURE becomes STRUCTURE."

What this means to you is...those small gestures or habitual patterns such as rounded shoulders at your desk, eventually over time turn into your posture & structure.
Your muscles will follow your stance or sitting time and remember to help you slouch.  

However, muscles can be trained to work the other way to support you!

All they need is a cheerleader and a little guidance.

So, if you are feeling tightness in your neck & shoulders from all the ZOOM calls, what will you do?

You can meditate & breathe.

You can take an Advil.


You can learn how to train the muscles in your back and core to ultimately solve the problem & get you out of pain.

When you are looking for health & wellness resources, you need to trust that person.  And you need to feel comfortable.  

I get it.

I will continue to share good information with all of you...

And if you need help with 
fitness & nutrition~reach out!

Spring Reset 2020

Quarantine Question for You

When was the last time you made a positive, life-changing decision?
I'm really challenging you to think about this one.

Let's keep it real~life has thrown a few curveballs lately...and maybe you haven't been focused on self-improvement, but rather survival.

Job losses, schedule changes,
postponed sporting events & graduations,
vacations cancelled.


Tick Tock.

Cooking & Cleaning.



So how will you move forward
to keep sane & stay strong?

We're still in the game. Life's moving on...
are you ready for it?

We are stronger together....

Let's MOtivate
Move. Eat. Breathe.

Take care of you!

Join me in a new, 21-Day Challenge~
a GETMOFIT at-home conditioning program.

reach out with questions to

menu planning...find out exactly what to eat to sustain energy & lose weight.
workouts...keep moving in a community of like-minded women in a facebook community
accountability...get it in your routine
create new habits...give yourself the chance to keep positive

Quarantine Peptalk

Quarantine Life got you down?
Write a "Depression List"

One of the best strategies to reduce stress is also one of the simplest: control the controllable.

Make a list of your current stressors. Next categorize them as controllable and uncontrollable. Stressors that are uncontrollable require acceptance and humility. When we put focus, energy, and time on uncontrollable stressors we waste our resources and cause more stress. Stressors that we can control require action. Taking action helps reduce stress and builds positive momentum.

When I was in high school, I used to ride the public bus with my friend and we would write down a "depression list" of all the things not going our way. Teachers who assigned too much homework. Parents who drove us crazy and didn't understand. Boys who liked us were not the boys whom we liked. Whatever these issues to us were at the time, they were our reality. We thought we were "depressed" until we reviewed each item with each other, then reevaluated and started to laugh out loud!

Perception is reality.

Venting to someone is great for the mind.

And then we need to reassess & move forward.....

With the weather finally turning, let's toast to one another, and celebrate the positive things happening around us. Our perception is our reality, and yet~we can seriously train our minds to look at the glass half-full. It takes practice. Breathing helps. Movement works, too.

Connect with an old friend.

One lesson though the Pandemic is that life goes on, and so shall we.
Let's appreciate those other women in our lives with a simple
phone call, text or message....
Stay connected~don't give up!

Namaste to all the powerful women in my life.


The Universe & You...

If there’s one thing this pandemic is teaching us it’s about the things that truly matter.

Love. Family. Connection. Health.

It’s interesting…

Some people are resisting this experience…wanting things to go back to “normal” as quickly as possible.

Others are embracing it and making the most of it.

And sometimes, when things are entirely out of your control, the best thing to do is embrace

the situation and figure out how to come out better on the other side.

Because even though we can’t control pandemics and quarantines and governments, we can control our response and reaction to everything.

And with that, I wanted to share a few important lessons I’ve taken from this new human experience we’re having…

  1. Your health is your greatest asset. Because without health, you can’t truly experience life. It’s your responsibility to yourself and to others to make this a top priority.  (Check out the  Food Revolution Summit starting  April 25, 2020...a terrific resource!)

  2. You get to dictate your response to the circumstances. Whether you choose to tune into the news all day and live in fear or make the most of the situation is entirely up to you. Everyone is having different experiences in this, and although, like I said above, you can never really control external circumstances, everything internal is all you.

  3. Create space for growth. Growth is one of our high-level human needs. Humans are motivated and exhilarated by growth. Whether it’s reading daily, listening to podcasts, or even starting that business you’ve always had in the back of your mind, growing yourself daily will change you fundamentally. And there’s no better time to trade Netflix for education. 

  4. Give more. This could be money, time, or an ear of support. There’s always someone with less who needs your help.

  5. Motivation is created by you, not something that just happens to you. Many people are struggling with motivation around exercise, getting stuff done around the house, eating well, etc. Waiting for motivation means waiting a long time. Motivation comes from taking action that gets you a result. Nothing starts with motivation itself. 

I truly hope these lessons are insightful for you and that they inspire or empower you to really make the most of this period in time.

Because, really…what other choice do we have anyway?

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve taken so far from all of this?   How does this whole situation change things for you?  Can you relax at all & take any cues from the universe?

The Space in Between

As the weeks in global quarantine are passing by, many of us have settled into a new normal.

One without gyms and dining out and going to offices.

One with more family, more time to focus, and more time to aspire for greater things in life.

We’re in this in between space walking this strange thin line…

One of fear mixed with enjoyment.

One of panic but also calm.

We’re in a time knowing things aren’t normal but they will eventually be normal again.

The in between – the not knowing when things will go back to normal can be agonizing.

The hard part about this for so many people is that it’s entirely out of our control.

We want to control. We want certainty.

And it is simply impossible to control a pandemic.

Really, we are always kind of under the delusion that we’re in control of our own world.

Some people are using this opportunity to step up their life’s game – they’re creating new 
businesses or working on projects that have been on the to-do list forever.

Others are paralyzed by fear due to losses of a job or the complete lack of familiarity in how

we’re living right now.

It’s all ok. There’s no right or wrong response to an experience none of us have ever had before.

Let's acknowledge, understand & even feel the sadness.

And then make a plan to move on.


Create that new attitude.

Like my mother used to say after my sisters & I were crying...
"Use a cold, wet facecloth and dry your tears."

It works. 

I feel people's anxiety all around me, & I get it. 

But staying sad & focusing on things beyond our control will only add to the overwhelm.

It's time to create new opportunities.  
To change the gameplan.

We will always be impacted by these events, but my hope is that it’s all for the better on the

other side…and I really believe it can be.

So, when you’re finding yourself torn or paralyzed by the state of the world, the news, and the

four walls of your home, (and I get it, because I''m here, too...)

Go inward.

How can we choose to make this the best possible, growth-oriented experience?

How can we show our friends, family and ourselves what
It means to be "resilient?"

I promise answering that question will help us all get through this with a lot more ease.

We are all in this together...let's stay connected & seek out new opportunities

Let me know the silver linings you’ve uncovered in all of this.

I am here to support you ~ reach out

We are #alonetogether

Preventative Measures

Is it Quarantining or "Quarantinis?"

How are you holding up with your "new normal?" Are you surrounded by loved ones? (and how's that working for you...?) 'Cooking in or taking out? Have you been disciplined enough to set up a routine, or are you still in your pajamas? Exercising or stress eating? Is your dog puzzled why he/she is getting so much attention? Is the term ZOOM now a mainstay in your vocabulary instead of a fond childhood memory?!

The Coronavirus Pandemic has seriously impacted all of our lives & the lives of our friends & family. Changes in our environment seem to happen each & every day. Today, I've already wiped down doorknobs, computers & clickers. I've folded three loads of laundry & decided on my dinner menu~8 hours from now! 'While flipping pancakes. I listened to the news on my Google home...the stream of information is constant, heavy & depressing. Forget about sports or politics~COVID-19 updates are consuming the airwaves. Dr. Anthony Fauci is my buddy by now....and I wonder, "How tall is he really?!"

I feel as though I'm in a really bad job every lunch hour, or break, or happy hour the conversation continues. I've been running these days, just to escape.

People are afraid & I understand why.

Afraid of getting too close or saying hello.

Afraid of touching surfaces.

Afraid of grocery shopping.

Afraid of running out of toilet paper.

And, most of all, afraid of getting sick & dying.

But in all of the news reports we are surrounded by, why isn't anyone talking about taking preventative measures to stay healthy? I just don't get it.

Let's rewrite the narrative here. Because fear, like your subconscious brain, can surely take over~if you allow it to. Yes, we're surrounded by germs but we can take steps to boost our immunity so that we can stay healthy! And we can actually take control of our health. (while still practicing social distancing...:))

We can choose to move, eat & take care of our bodies, minds & spirit. It makes a difference!!!

Here are some easy ways to boost your immunity:

  • exercise daily (this will alleviate stress)

  • eat healthy, nutrient dense foods

  • get your greens, either in real form, powdered or from juices

  • stay away from sugar

  • drink more water

  • enjoy green tea every day

  • breathe~practice the 7--7--7 approach....inhale to the count of seven, hold your breath for the count of seven & exhale to the count of seven.

  • clean your house with non-toxic cleaners. it is possible.

  • wash your face, shampoo your hair with safe products.

Boosting Your Immunity

As we deal with the changes in our everyday lives due to the COVD-19 pandemic, I know we are all reminded how important it is to stay healthy & strong.  While we all need to remain calm, it's an opportunity to step back, and reassess what "wellness" means to us and our families.  What things can we do to stay strong & healthy?

Ultimately, Our body wants to be in balance.  Stress & toxins throw us out of balance.  When we are out of balance, we become rundown & our immune system is depleted, & not able to ward off viruses or disease as well.   

With striving to be in balance, every little bit counts...we've all heard that we should manage stress, buy organic foods, exercise daily & use glass containers instead of plastic.  (This is because there is BPA in our plastic water bottles.....)

But do you know why it's important to choose safer products for soaps, detergents, shampoos, lotions & makeup?   

Here's why~

  • Many of our skincare products contain Phthalates, and are generally used as “plasticizers.” Plasticizers are synthetic ingredients used to promote flexibility and durability in plastic found in medical products, floors, and food processing materials.  Phthalates, a family of industrial chemicals used to soften polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic and as solvents in cosmetics and other consumer products, can damage the liver, kidneys, lungs, and reproductive system.Think fragrances...if your products have fragrances, they typically contain phthalates.  

  • Another harmful ingredient is Paraben. Parabens are chemicals that have been used since the 1950s to prevent bacteria and act as a preservative in deodorants, lotions, lipsticks, shampoos, scrubs, and more. Parabens are believed to disrupt hormone function by mimicking estrogen. Too much estrogen can trigger an increase in breast cell division and growth of tumors, which is why paraben use has been linked to breast cancer and reproductive issues.  While the most common parabens also have “paraben” in their name—butylparaben, methylparaben, and propylparaben—they can also be listed as Alkyl parahydroxy benzoates.  Use makeup & lotions without parabens.

  • Sulfates....Sulfates are effective cleansing and foaming agents that can be found in toothpaste, shampoo, and body washes, among other products.  Sulfates are essentially detergents. When used in soaps, they leave skin feeling clean and refreshed. In shampoos, sulfates create a frothy lather that removes dirt, oil and styling product buildup from the hair and scalp. ... One of the most common sulfates you'll find in cosmetics is sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS).  Turns out that sulfates can be too effective at washing away oil, which can leave hair or skin feeling a little parched. And if your skin or scalp is particularly sensitive, sulfates can cause irritations like redness or itching. They can cause a number of problems for your hair including drying, irritating your scalp, fading your color, and even hair loss.  If you have skin irritation, it may be caused from sulfates.

Balance in our body is regulated by hormones.  Our hormones guide everything in your body....they control your appetite, sexual function, brain function, fat storage, energy regulation.  

These chemicals are just three things that can disrupt our hormones. 

Unfortunately, we've all been exposed to so many chemicals for most of our lives.  While we cannot control everything that been introduced to us in the past, we do have the opportunity to make better choices now.   

The founders of Beautycounter have done their homework, and all of their products are created without over 1500 harmful ingredients!  You can also go to environmental working group (which stands for "environmental working group") and watch their segment called "skin-deep"  Lastly, there is an APP called "Think Dirty”...where you can quickly learn what harmful ingredients are in your everyday products.  I myself have started using new products over the last two years....

Exercise, nutrition & skincare directly impact our health.  

It's not just about looking good.  We can make better choices today to improve our health tomorrow.  For example, moving daily and eating more greens & protein helps our muscles, brain, skin, & will help us to stay in balance.  And, choosing soaps, shampoos, lotions & detergents without harmful ingredients will also help us to stay in balance.  Every little bit counts.

Let me know if you'd like to talk more about your fitness, nutrition or skincare needs.  I am here for you as a resource for motivation & wellness.:)

Exercise. Nutrition. Skincare.

Let's all keep connected & stay strong....Peace.

Fitness Tips to keep you strong for 2020

10 Fitness Ideas to keep you motivated during the Corona Virus Pandemic—exercise & nutrition can boost your immunity....It’s #allconnected

1. Flexibility isn't just an afterthought, but should be a priority. Poor posture will inhibit your flexibility with repetitive patterns, leading to muscle imbalances, aches & pains. 

2. The nervous system is responsible for recruitment of muscles, learned patterns of movement & virtually the functioning of every organ in your entire body. Set a time to get off the grid each day. Relax and breathe.  This connects with your mental health. Remember…strong body = healthy mind.:)

3. The "CORE" is at the origin of all movement. Maintaining proper core strength will reduce pain & prevent injury. ~ especially when sitting at the desk #techneck

4. Nutrition not only helps to keep your weight down but also helps to repair tissues & boost your immunity. Think mini-meals throughout the day. #fuelthefire

5. Consistency is everything. Little changes in daily habits go a long way....way at lunch hour.🙂

6. Practice makes perfect with your balance...

7. Drink half your body weight in fluid ounces... stay hydrated!

8. Incorporate some type of resistance training or weight bearing exercise works against gravity, is important for your bones, and allows us to maintain muscle strength & coordination. 

9. It is estimated that sedentary adults gain 5 pounds every decade & gain 15 pounds of fat. Obesity is the fastest growing health problem in the country.

10. 75% of Americans do not partake in 30 minutes of the recommended daily exercise. Don't be that person—keep it moving!

We’re all in this together!!!

Stay safe & strong 

Fall is the perfect time to RENEW!

Early September has always been my favorite time of the year... I don't know why but I love the sounds & sights of Autumn: crickets singing in the morning, leaves changing color, warm temperatures during the day but cooler at night, beautiful sunsets, the taste of soup or chili on your heart & the touch of a crisp apple from the farm, or

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Summer Kickstart Challenge

Join me in the Summer Kickstart Challenge! Every day, before you drink a coffee or a tea, blend a juice of celery, cucumber, lemon & ginger. Wait 30-45 minutes before you have breakfast…this will give your liver a “jumpstart” on the day, so that it will be better able to process toxins throughout the day! In addition, try to make good choices and cut back on alcohol intake and sweets. Reduce bloating, decrease fatigue, sleep better & lose a few pounds! Join me! Reach out with any questions or for a demo @

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Pilates Can Help to Prevent Injury

We’ve all heard those stories about people “pulling their back out” after simply reaching into the cabinet…or falling on ice and straining their shoulder & neck. What to do? Should we just all accept that we’re getting older and BE CAREFUL when moving at all?! Here’s my story to illustrate why the answer is “NO.” One day when I was putting groceries away in my garage I tripped on my clog and wiped out right on mu bottom! Oh no!! At first, I thought I hurt my hip or back… Nope~what ACHED was my ribcage… My CORE MUSCLES “caught” me on that cement floor. Pilates works. Bottom line, the more you take care of your self NOW, the stronger you will be, to move with ease. Aging gracefully takes work. You need to really decide WHY & HOW exercise will help to prevent injury, and then you will be more prone to follow through…. Start today and book two - three times each week into your schedule to exercise. Stretch each morning before you get into the shower. Walk after dinner with the warmer weather. All of these little things ADD UP and help you to keep moving. Now, adding CORE strengthening into that routine will certainly prevent injury, but helping you to “brace” that fall or “support” your reach into the cabinet. It’s true. When you decide to AWAKEN YOUR CORE ENERGY, you can definitely #keepthepeaceinyou.

Keep the Peace in You!

I adopted this slogan from my Mother who, while raising seven children used to wave a friendly goodbye to a friend and say, “Keep the Peace!” Currently, my teenage sons may say something similar, “Peace” when signing off from a phonecall.

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Plantar Fasciitis

Working out on the reformer can help to relieve and/or prevent any symptoms of “Plantar Fasciitis” — the sharp pain in the heel so many of us feel when walking. Lying down while doing squats and lunging with supported resistance on the reformer stretches the muscles from the toes to the hips and shoulders. Lengthen & strengthen functionally with spring resistance truly tones muscles the right way, leaving us with that long & lean look and feeling strong!

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Journaling to Achieve Your Goals

In Personal Training training, we were taught to create goals for people that are realistic & measurable.  Makes sense, right?  Short term goals & long term goals are equally important and are more easily attained by writing them down.  When your boss asks you what your goals are at work, you give it some thought and strategize how to accomplish them,  If only we could look at health & wellness the same way....  

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Exercise for Brainwaves

Worried you're becoming forgetful & absentminded?  Ever feel as though your conversations are like a gameshow--asking friends for actors names or dates of events?  ME TOO!  According to Self magazine, "brain games and word scrambles may make people better at a certain task but may not actually improve memory...exercise can really boost your cognitive abilities in a short time--bringing blood flow to the brain...and increasing your brain size over just six months!"




It's tough to make good choices, especially when you're traveling or working long hours~but here's food for thought regarding sugar:  (remember, when you're reading a food label...all the ingredients are in order of the weight or volume of each ingredient.) One recommendation would be to only buy foods that do not list "sugar" in the first five ingredients.  #shoptheperimeter

Research has linked sugar consumption to numerous health conditions, including:

• Premature aging
• Various cancers — breast, ovary, prostate, rectum, etc.
• Diabetes
• Digestive problems, including chronic indigestion
• Fatigue and low energy
• Heart disease
• Hyperactivity and concentration problems
• Loss of muscle mass
• Nutritional deficiencies, including decreased ability to absorb calcium and magnesium
• Osteoporosis
• Tooth decay and gum disease
• Yeast infections


So, do fitness instructors workout on vacation?  Or do they just let it all hang loose, like the rest of us, and order from the McDonalds drive thru?!  "What the heck, right?" The truth is...everyone makes different choices while traveling for work or away on vacation -- and yup, it's exhausting -- but it's good to get out of the routine.  Hotel gyms may not have reformers, but make the best of it and take 20 minutes on the treadmill, or stretch out in down dog after your shower~you'll feel better sitting at the desk (work travel) or even in the lounge chair drinking margueritas! (vacation) If you want to maintain good posture overall, stick with at least part of the program.:).  

And, if you really need to know...Do I workout on vacation? Sometimes.  Do I eat McDonalds French fries?  No.  Do I eat the local specialities?  Yes.  One cookie or one burger is not going to ruin your diet.  Think of it this way~"eat this, don't eat that."  Eat the cookie, then stay away from that extra glass of wine.  Eat the burger but stay away from dessert.  And, yes, workout a little when you're away!!  #reentry is easier!!

Reassess your goals for the new year!

This week I had lunch with an old friend who is considering Personal Training as a new job/career path.  It made me revisit my journey through the fitness world: first Pilates training and then TRX, Barre, Spinning, Kickboxing, Yoga, and even surfset, and reasses the reason for my own professional existence!  She inquired about my daily routine and asked, "What's the best part of your job?"  

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Find Time @ Work for the Fifteen Minute Workout

Under the gun at work?  Trying to find the time to exercise on your own?  In between training sessions, try to squeeze in an extra fifteen minutes…  Grab a sturdy chair and use your bodyweight~5 easy moves:

25 "Get Up/Sit Downs" -- keep looking ahead!

Hover over the chair for 60 seconds, then sit down and raise legs in front 25 times each leg

Hold onto the high back of the chair and do 25 step back lunges 

Still holding onto the back of the chair, turn right and then left to perform 26 leg lifts each side

Lie down on the floor and put feet on chair, lift 25x to bridge position

Continue with feet on chair, and work on 25 slow & then fast crunches -- then raise legs straight to the ceiling and breathe in and out for the remaining 3 minutes

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For those struggling with migraines and/or looking to achieve balance...

Moira Riccio

Words of wisdom from Acupuncturist, Eliza Mellen-Smith....for those struggling with migraines and/or looking to achieve balance. Fourteen ways to get rid of your migraine:
1. Acupuncture. I’d estimate I can control 80% of migraine cases with acupuncture alone. Other acupuncturists may fare better or worse than that. Ask if this is an area of focus for your acupuncturist. If not, you might consider someone else.
2. Massage. Get regular deep tissue massages. Have them focus on the base of your skull, the front, sides, and back of your neck, and especially the upper back, between your spine and shoulder blades. Between massages, or instead, get a lacrosse ball, lie on your back on a carpeted floor with bent knees, and place the ball under you, against the inside edge of your shoulder blade. Find every tender spot, put the ball there, relax for about 2 minutes, then go to the next one.
3. Hydrate. Drink half the number of pounds you weigh as ounces of water each day, evenly over the course of the day. (For instance, if you weigh 200 pounds, drink 100 ounces of water a day.)

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