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Moira's Blog Posts

what is "FASCIA?"

“Moira, your epidermis is showing!”  My sister used to tease me about this all the time when I was young….😳

But, if you could peek beneath your epidermis, you’d first see FASCIA  — a mesh-like substance that interweaves through and around your musculature and bones, supports your organs, and shrink-wraps your entire internal structure like a second skin.

It’s all about the FASCIA, my friends….

The fascial system consists of the three-dimensional continuum of soft, collagen-containing, loose, and dense fibrous connective tissues that permeate the body.


It interpenetrates and surrounds all organs, muscles, bones, and nerve fibers, endowing the body with a functional structure, and providing an environment that enables all body systems to operate in an integrated manner.


Bones, joints, muscles & nerves all have the potential to shift
from the fascia tightening.  


Feeling tight or achy and sore from sitting at the desk all day?
It's actually the FASCIA constricting the muscles! 


Our everyday habits affect the human movement system more than people realize….these repetitive postural imbalances are quite simply, "life."  



This affects:






So, what can you do?

STEP #1 ——  loosen up the tightness...use a foam roller for example


STEP #2 —— work the opposing muscle groups to achieve balance, toward the center of gravity, & ultimately, gain more flexibility & improve posture & stay OUT OF PAIN.”




A really good trainer can do a postural assessment and offer recommendations about what you can do to stay fit, loose,
SO THAT you feel fabulous!!!

five key ingredients to a healthy lifestyle

nutrition. exercise. mindset. community. environment.

you are not alone if you are looking for balance in your life.


especially over the last two years, priorities have changed in more ways than one & most of us have been adjusting to our “new normal.”


look 👀 to these five ingredients:


nutritionyou are what you eat. everyone knows you will feel better when you make cleaner choices.  it’s not simply weight, it affects your mood & energy levels. food is medicine.


exerciseworking out will boost your immunity & help you to stay positive.


mindsetyou have the power & ability to rewrite the narrative of your day, week, year or situation. 


communitystay connected!  it’s good for the soul….🙏 I went to an extended family gathering last weekend and I couldn’t believe how good it made me feel to be “with my people” or, my community. 


environmentin my job as a personal trainer and life as a realtor, I am constantly helping clients get from one stage to the next so that they feel settled, stronger & happier.🥰 living in a home/space that suits your changing needs makes all the difference!  if you feel as though you’ve outgrown your neighborhood or surroundings, don’t get “stuck” — there are so many opportunities & solutions.

May is "mental health awareness" month

tune in to learn ways to prioritize your mental health...

so that you can feel confident and "on your game!"

many of my clients have shared that, when reconnecting with friends & family & coworkers & neighbors after going through so many changes and illnesses over the last two years, they are exhausted!

since May is now considered, "Mental Health Awareness Month," I want to share with you tips to boost your mental health.....


• Getting enough sleep every night

• Eating nutrient-rich foods

• Cutting down on processed foods, sugars and alcohol

• Exercising regularly

• Practicing mindfulness

• Taking time for yourself

• Doing activities that you enjoy!

why is CORE conditioning so important?

The "CORE" is at the origin of all movement. 

Walking, running, cycling, paddling, rowing, lifting weights, playing tennis or paddle or pickle ball.   Even reaching for a heavy bowl in your cabinet, or lifting up the laundry basket.


Maintaining proper core strength will reduce pain & prevent injury.  ~ this falls in line with my "tripping in clogs story".....


One day, while putting groceries away, I tripped in my garage and fell right on my butt!  When I got up, I was sure that I hurt my hip, back or shoulder, but what truly ached for several days afterward was the CORE muscles.  The core will help you to stay fit & balanced....

Ultimately, building CORE strength is simply functional training.

It's not just a situp.

It's the whole body.

It's all connected!!

P.S.: I am a Pilates Instructor and a Personal Trainer. I incorporate weights, bands, balls & TRX to complete a client’s workout…. If I can be of any help to you with your fitness journey, let me know!

get out of pain & get into your abs!

protect the spine, improve posture & prevent injury 

most people -- even my family -- think that I do sit-ups for a living.

when they think of "Pilates," they envision a yoga mat, someone doing "the hundred" exercise or a plank.

and sometimes Pilates is on a mat...."Mat Pilates" is awesome~you can try it at home with a youtube video!

but Pilates on the Reformer is quite rehabilitative, actually. it's designed with spring tension that strengthens & stretches your muscles in a safe & refreshing way. it's been described as "a jungle gym for adults." or "intelligent exercise with profound results."

I prefer to say it's, "la creme de la creme of workouts."

really, it's so much more than that. it's the #1 strategy to reduce lower back pain or keep your knees healthy & strong or help relieve the tension in your shoulders & neck.

sounds weird, but I love helping people get out of pain!

reformer is an easy & fun way to help people figure it out.

it's a targeted approach to exercise.

according to STOTT Pilates, reformer is "intelligent exercise with profound results."

bottom line, I love creating workouts to alleviate aches & pains and help clients to feel stretched out, relaxed & strong....

balance blood sugar & stay balanced

three tips to help you look & feel your BEST!!

it's really a combination of exercise & nutrition...


#1.  remove PROCESSED FOODS from your diet (not just “cutting back”). this will allow you to detox & recharge your body, so that it is functioning optimally.  

think: healthy fats, lean protein & lots of fiber.🍎🍌🍋🥑🥥🥦🥕🍳🥔🍓🥕🌽🥗


NUTS -- almonds, cashews, Brazil nuts.
APPLES — general rule of thumb=three apples a day.
BLUEBERRIES — fun fact=you can eat as many (organic) blueberries as you want!!

#2.  drink a teaspoon of APPLE CIDER VINEGAR before your dinner to manage blood sugar.  this will help your body digest foods more easily. why? because most of the foods we eat are acidic, & apple cider vinegar balances the pH in the body.

#3. try a SALT DETOX BATH.  
here's the recipe:  
1 cup of epsom salt + 1 cup of sea salt + 2 cups of baking soda.
* SOAK for at least twenty minutes for best results.

Let's create an exercise routine designed for you!

You've got this!!

If you need some accountability, I'm here for you!

sugar. sitting. screens

how can we fight burnout & fatigue?

we haven’t been taught in school that mind is connected to the body…but there is a GUT-BRAIN connection….and now we are all living through this international health crisis….

here are some options to help you keep mentally fit & healthy~


SUGAR—processed foods turn into sugar.  Sugar will crush your gut and your immune system starts in the gut.

  • Combining protein, fat, fiber into your breakfast lunch and dinner consistently will give you the boost you need!


SITTING—On average, Americans are sitting 11 hours a day!

  • Moving just 20 minutes a day will make you happier & healthier to sleep better, improve your digestion, and improve your focus!


SCREENS—Technology is the future and the present. It helps us to ZOOM & connect virtually — so many positives!! However, too much screen time can really impact our mental health.  Anxiety & depression are on the rise ….  

  • Finding ways to unplug and be in the present with your immediate family or social circle really helps. Turning off your phone one hour before bedtime is another idea!

New Years Resolutions 2022

How are you at problem solving? 🧐🙇‍♀️💡🧐🙋‍♀️

Happy New Year!!!

I hate resolutions.


I’ve never done a cleanse.


I always debate making changes.


But I’m driven to find alternative solutions. And once I’m in, I’m in 150%.


Healthy Living is easy when you change your mindset....

You’ve got this!


‘Happy to help you if you need me, for fitness, wellness or nutrition.


It’s all good! 


healthy living choices through the holidays...

Three tips to ward over those extra holiday pounds!

#1—drink a ton of water…this is the simplest solution to maintaining a healthy metabolism and staying satisfied so that you don’t overeat.  Try drinking half your bodyweight in fluid ounces daily.


#2—meet a friend to walk after dinner or super early before work…adding in this little extra workout (and accountability) will keep you moving! (Even if it’s chilly…chatting with someone else makes the time go by more quickly and warms you up fast!;))


#3—offer or bring the crudités to the holiday party!  this will give you something healthy to munch on 🥒🥕🥦🌶🥒🥕🥦🌶🥒🥕🥦🌶



Pro-tip=watch alcohol consumption…it’s so easy to slip into wine or beer every night during the holidays.  Just grab yourself a hot tea as a substitute and add in some apple cider vinegar to keep your pH balanced! 😉

SHOP CLEAN...better beauty with Beautycounter!

When I realized that everything you put on your skin goes directly into your bloodstream, I was shocked to learn the harmful ingredients in skincare...

Here are five other reasons why you should consider choosing safer soaps, shampoos, moisturizers, shaving cream, night cream or makeup ~

GO CLEAN For Your Health

  • There hasn't been a federal law regulating skincare products or cosmetics since 1938—yes, really.

  • Since then, there are over 80,000 untested chemicals in commerce.

  • The cosmetics industry — similar to the food industry — is virtually unregulated! You really need to be an educated consumer!

  • Beautycounter creates safer skincare that works. High quality products without over 1800 harmful ingredients such as ~ parabens, phthalates, lead, cadmium, oxybenzone & fragrances. What’s in your face wash, soaps, shampoo, moisturizer or makeup?

  • Check out (The Environmental Working Group, which is a nonprofit organization that shares healthy living information for consumers...:)) or theTHINK DIRTY APP for a scorecard on your skincare products that you use every day!

the overnight turkey recipe

Overnight Turkey Recipe

Put bird into huge roaster pan, don’t forget to take out the neck et al inside ☺

Drizzle olive oil and shake salt, pepper, and “bell’s seasoning” all over.  Put 2 chopped onions around the edge. And m1 can chicken broth.  Also sprinkle garlic powder, a couple shakes steak sauce.  Cook in oven for 45 minutes on 525 degrees.

Remove from oven, cover with a cheesecloth and pour ½ bottle of red wine all over the turkey.  Cover tightly with tinfoil, 2x over and put back in oven to cook for 90 minutes at 450 degrees.

When the timer goes off, turn the over off and do not open the oven door the rest of the night.  When you wake up, your whole house with smell delicious and uncover the bird to see the most moist turkey literally fall off the bone.  Put on tray, and heat up later for your friends and family.  Pour a little bit of the juices on turkey to keep it really moist, and use the rest of the juices as gravy for potatoes, stuffing and turkey.  


boost your immunity!

EXERCISE for health & wellness....

EAT CLEAN to boost your immunity!

We all know that we feel better when we make healthy choices, right?  Ever wonder why you feel so exhausted the day after certain dinners or meals?!  Or specifically after you eat a lot of sugar?

Whatever you choose to eat reflects in your health & wellness.  


“You are what you eat.” 


Own it.


Live it, for the best that you want to be.


The general rule of thumb when trying to get “in-shape” or lose weight is to exercise (burn 500 calories) and eat less (by 500 calories) therefore creating a calories deficit so that you will lose weight.  


But if you’re looking to just plain have more energy and feel better….here are five crucial things to remember:

  1. Processed foods slow your body & your brain down. Period. End of story. It’s best to buy products with ONLY THREE INGREDIENTS on the package.

  2. Organic foods & clean eating will give you more energy & BOOST YOUR IMMUNITY. (!!!)

  3. Drinking half of your bodyweight in WATER will keep the metabolism moving. (I drink a huge glass of water when I wake up before coffee or tea) 👍

  4. Eating or drinking GREENS and COLLAGEN will clear up your skin.

  5. Cook with healthy fats such as olive oil or avocado oil are excellent alternatives to canola oil or butter

'looking for an easy way to be a "Gourmet?"

Check out this slow-roasted tomato & garlic and/or onion veggie side dish...add it to pasta, salad, or serve over grilled chicken, steak or seafood ~

Simply place vegetables on a cookie sheet, drizzle olive oil & sprinkle salt/pepper, oregano on top.
Roast in the oven for
one hour at 300 degrees....:)

Bon Appetit!


Columbus Day Weekend check-in:)

All my clients love to stretch on the reformer…
According to STOTT Pilates, working out on the reformer is “intelligent exercise with profound results.” 

I say, "it's good for the soul..."

each session @ moirasfitness includes:

  • fifteen minutes of Pilates CORE strengthening with a variety of props—including small weights, bands, balls, fitness circle, foam roller or TRX

  • strengthening legs on the reformer with the footbar or cardiotramp or jump board

  • deep stretching and breathing with feet in straps or other exercises on reformer.

  • upper body toning, balance & flexibility

It’s “barefoot” conditioning!

Stay Motivated this September!

These are two of the MOST COMMON QUESTIONS I hear when people ask me about Pilates & Core Conditioning….

To be totally honest, there is a method to the madness of workouts.  Resistance training combined with stretching & cardio will give you the biggest bang for you buck.


Pilates will also help you with improved posture, flexibility & balance, and yes, trim around the middle. 


C-O-R-E 😉


When it comes to fitness, wellness and lifestyle changes, NONE of us are immune to the challenges of living a healthier lifestyle. 




The easiest thing to do is to book appointments and put it in your calendar to make sure it gets done!


It’s that easy.


Find a trainer.  Decide on a time & location.  Make it happen.


I mean this in the nicest possible way….”there’s always busier people carving outside time for exercise.” 






last days of summer...

sharing ways we can stay healthy...

Hello everyone!

As we celebrate the last few days of Summer and head into the Fall, I want to touch base about the importance of mental health and how it affects your overall wellness. 

Many of us are still working from home and may feel isolated.  
It's critical to take some time away from the computer or social media & connect with friends & family....

The pandemic has made us look inside and become aware of behavioral patterns & how they affect our personal relationships.

Here are a
some easy ways to stay connected and mentally strong!

* Sit down with members of your household & eat a meal together without watching TV or looking at your phone…check in—even have a “family meeting.” where we go around the table asking for highs & lows/positives & negatives. Sometimes people are not looking for solutions.  They just need support to talk things through.

* A walk after a meal is (free) and so important…to maintain healthy blood sugar levels & release fight or flight emotions & help with digestion.


* Stay hydrated throughout the day to support your energy & calm the nerves.  Your nervous system is responsible for recruitment of muscles, learned patterns of movement & virtually the functioning of every organ in your entire body. 

* Relax ~ taking time for you is critical for your mental health & happiness.


Have a great Labor Day Weekend!


nutrition comparisons...

things have changed since the food pyramid!



PALEO~Paleo-friendly foods include meat, fish, eggs, seeds, nuts, fruits and veggies, along with healthy fats and oils. Avoid processed foods, grains and sugar. You can also base your diet on paleo foods, adding in a few modern healthy foods like grass-fed butter and gluten-free grains…this is a “carnivore’s delight!”… key foods to avoid are beans, legumes (this includes peanut butter), potatoes, rice, corn.  


WHOLE 30~this ”diet" is actually an elimination-style eating plan that asks dieters to ban all soy, dairy, grains, alcohol, legumes, and added sugars from their diet for 30 days straight.  YES to potatoes, black coffee & all vegetables, NO to processed foods. 

  • Fruit, including strawberries, watermelon, apples, oranges, and bananas.

  • Seafood, such as fish, oysters, shrimp, and mussels.

  • Unprocessed meats, including beef, chicken, and pork.

  • Nuts and seeds.

  • Eggs.

  • Olive oil and coconut oil.

  • Black coffee.


GLUTEN FREE~Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, rye and triticale (a cross between wheat and rye).I t's common in foods such as bread, pasta, pizza and cereal. Gluten provides no essential nutrients. People with celiac disease have an immune reaction that is triggered by eating gluten. They develop inflammation and damage in their intestinal tracts and other parts of the body when they eat foods containing gluten. Gluten is in SO many hidden foods or ingredients, such as sauces, seasonings, salad dressings & creamers.  Many people have a “gluten intolerance” and don’t realize it. They may feel bloated, or have stomach cramps after eating certain meals or foods.  


INTERMITTENT FASTING~this is a dietary strategy that cycles between periods of fasting and eating. Intermittent fasting restricts the time you’re allowed to eat, which is a simple way to reduce your calorie intake. This can lead to weight loss — unless you compensate by eating too much food during allowed eating periods. Some people fast when they wake up until 2pm that day & others eat during the morning up until 3pm and then fast the rest of the day.  This is a probably the simplest program if you just can’t be bothered cooking new foods or trying to figure out what’s what & want to “cut back.”


VEGETARIAN & VEGAN~A vegan diet excludes all meat and animal products (meat, poultry, fish, seafood, dairy and eggs), whereas a vegetarian diet excludes meat, poultry, fish and seafood. When I was listening to the “FOOD REVOLUTION SUMMIT” a common theme I heard over & over was, “eat more vegetables.” But then I always say, “If I had a personal chef I could be a vegetarian….” And you need to seek other protein sources, such as pea protein or tofu to attain well-balanced nutrition.


MEDITERRANEAN DIET~People on a Mediterranean diet avoid the following foods: refined grains, such as white bread, white pasta, and pizza dough containing white flour.

  • refined oils, which include canola oil and soybean oil.

  • foods with added sugars, such as pastries, sodas, and candies.

  • deli meats, hot dogs, and other processed meats.


COMMON THEMES AMONG THE ABOVE OPTIONS….include avoiding processed foods & cooking with healthy fats & oils. And, eating more plants is always a good call!


COMMON FOCUS…as we all grow older, we often eat foods that may not “agree with us” and make us feel bloated or sick to our stomachs. Try to understand these foods and then take them off your list for a while & see how you feel.  There are many ways in the alternative healthcare community to dig deeper & discover any food intolerances, such as muscle testing or kinesiology, blood tests, or even stool sampling.  


It’s just like anything else.  Find out what works for you and move forward.


One of the ideas I do as a Precision Nutrition Coach is to ask people to write a food log for one week, and then we review it together.  This way clients don’t have to remember all of the differences between carbohydrates, healthy fats, or proteins….   It’s all an education.

My mantra is to #fuelthefire

Food for thought.



#healthyliving101 ~ top ten fitness & wellness ideas for you!

1.  Flexibility isn't just an afterthought, but should be a priority.  It refers to the ability to move a joint through complete range of motion.  Poor posture will inhibit your flexibility with repetitive patterns, leading to muscle imbalances, aches & pains.  If you are waking up tight all over, I know of many ways to help you...either virtually or in-person on the reformer.  


2.  The nervous system is responsible for recruitment of muscles, learned patterns of movement & virtually the functioning of every organ in your entire body.  Relaxing, getting off the grid & taking time for you is critical for your health.  Namaste.


3.  The "CORE" is at the origin of all movement.  Walking, running, cycling, paddling, rowing, lifting weights, playing tennis or paddle or pickle ball.  Maintaining proper core strength will reduce pain & prevent injury.  ~ this falls in line with my "tripping in clogs story" day while putting groceries away I tripped in my garage and fell right on my butt!  When I got up, I was sure that I hurt my hip, back or shoulder, but what truly ached was my belly and at the ribs. Remember this when you are out walking in the snow or ice, same thing...the core will help you to stay balanced.


4.  Nutrition not only helps to keep your weight down but also helps to repair tissues & growth.  Want to learn if your diet is working for you?  Want to feel less bloat?  An individually-planned nutrition strategy can enhance the results from exercise, improve your health & athletic performance, reduce the risk of disease & illness, increase energy levels and favorably alter body composition.  


5.  Consistency is everything.  Exercise, eating right or watching what we use to clean our house or what we put onto our skin.  If you're looking for help with this or accountability, let me know!


6.  Practice makes perfect with your balance... Can you put on your socks while standing up? Do you hover over the toilet seat successfully in a public bathroom?  It's a work in progress.  A little bit of habit change goes a long way. Little goals are good.  


7.  What is BMI and do you need to worry about that?  BMI, or Body Mass Index is simply a measurement.  Get out your calculator.  Multiply 703 x your weight in pounds divided by your height inches squared.  If your BMI is between 25--29, then it may be a good time to adjust your workout schedule.  No worries, just let it be a sign, like blood pressure, weight or measurements.  


8.  Coordination is a learned trait.  Incorporate some type of resistance training or weight bearing exercise works against gravity, is important for your bones, and allows us to maintain muscle strength & coordination.  


9. It is estimated that sedentary adults gain 5 pounds every decade & gain 15 pounds of fat.  Obesity is the fastest growing health problem in the country. Most people don't like to workout, but if you know the why behind the exercising, maybe this will help.🙂


10. 75% of Americans do not partake in 30 minutes of the recommended daily exercise.  Don't be that person~let's connect to keep you moving.  Find a workout buddy, play the music, be efficient with your workouts.  And remember....CORE muscles are where it's at.


Thanks for tuning in....I'd love to hear from you with any questions.🙂


Cheers to your health & wellness!

selfcare is simply scheduling & accountability....

If there’s one thing we all have learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic, it is that health & wellness are at the center of our lives. My mother used to say,
“Well, Moira, at least you’ve got your health…”
Kay Clancy knew what was going on! 💃


Self-care should be a priority.  Fitness comes in all different shapes & sizes — pick one you enjoy and just keep it moving! 


It's been a long 15 months.  You are not alone if you have let yourself go or been slacking when it comes to working out….


If you are interested in creating a positive change for the summer and beyond,  let's connect!


I offer LIVE or VIRTUAL Sessions… 💪 to find out more information feel free to send me a message and or an email


Sure, you’ll fit into your jeans better but it’s so much more than that…. Ask any cardio/exercise junkie why they run/cycle/swim/walk and they’ll say it’s ALL MENTAL.

we've got this!!

PS: did you know that my slogan of #keepthepeaceinyou is
from my Mom, too?! 🙏  
Pilates. Experience. Awaken. Core. Energy...


enjoy the weekend!  ☀️

wellness step #1


We all have different backgrounds & upbringings….but if you remember the Brady Bunch & Gilligan's Island, then you probably remember a time where people smoked at the office, drank martinis @ lunch and ate canned vegetables for dinner. The whole concept of “eating less/workout more” to maintain a healthy weight was just beginning. We trusted the foods we bought at the grocery store were good for us, because that’s what it says on the outside of the box.

Times have changed. People are working longer hours & life is busier than ever before. Things need to be more convenient. Food is packaged. TV dinners are fast & easy. To keep up with this demand & to extend shelf life, food companies are putting preservatives into the food, and those additives are making us sick, fatigued & overweight.

Think about your upbringing and how wellness played into your personal story. Were meals a time to gather everyone together & celebrate? Was food a reward? Did you worry about your weight growing up? Did you exercise at all?

Tale some time today and consider your past connections with health & wellness. Times have changed. People are putting “two & two together” and realizing the cause & effect of nutrition and how it correlates to your body & mind. Eating healthy is being healthy. Exercising is a lifestyle choice that will transform your body & mind….it will have a strong impact on the rest of your life.

In order for you to make changes moving forward, you must first consider the past.