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Moira's Blog Posts

GETMOfit health coaching program

Hello and Welcome to the
GETMOFIT Health Coaching program!!
I am so glad that you are here.  Fitness, wellness & healthy living are my passion…and I am SO excited to share with you my knowledge of working out safely, eating well and of course, the Pilates exercise method.
This program is designed to help you think positively, focus on your goals & prioritize your health in both mind & body.
Learning about #safeexercising, #cleannutrition, #healthylivingchoices and incorporating those choices into daily activities will help you to 
#fuelthefire & #trimthemiddle.
We are all a work in progress….let’s take it step by step!

Memorial Day Weekend 2021

would the weekend be better if it were sunny?!

ok, maybe.

this morning I woke up and saw two ducks walking across my lawn. as I glanced through the window to further investigate, searching for the turkeys that have been terrorizing my neighborhood... (long story ~ don't want to clog up your inbox! LOL) I breathed a huge sigh of relief.

today is a rainy day.

not a good day for yard work... a bonus!

not a good day for a walk or a run... taking a day off?

not a day to be setting goals or charging ahead with the gameplan... we start Monday!

I gave myself permission to just chill out in my pajamas....
(at least until 12noon:))

would the weekend be better if it were sunny? ok maybe!! but when it's literally pouring outside all day, it does feel good to just relax & reflect.

while I am thrilled that things are "opening up" again... I need some downtime to adjust, to contemplate all of the changes within the last year and maybe just cook for my family and settle some arguments about the car, or who's doing the dishes.

I think I may have PTSD after you?

while I am so excited to be rebranding moirasfitness to include Beautycounter, Scout and Cellar Wine...and retapping into my old corporate sales skills & experience with North Shore Real Estate...

I am psyched to just enjoy a day off.
(more work tomorrow, but that's cool ~ it's fun!!)

I hope you are enjoying some downtime, too.


starting June 1st. masks are not required to workout @ moirasfitness

let's heal together...

learn to move forward together...

I listened to a podcast the other day from Dr. Mark Hyman about the "Post COVID Long Haulers" & how we can all figure out how to manage this COVID-19 recovery. It was fascinating, hearing from one of the
top physicians in the world (Dr. William Li)
actually say that we really don't know what the after effects of the
Coronavirus will be.

My oldest sister is a doctor and I've gotten used to this way of speaking. Science isn't exact. We don't have all the data. And, whether or not you've received a vaccine, or believe everything you read in the news....we all need to accept each others differences & somehow move forward together!

If there's one thing the last 15 months has taught us is this ~ plans get cancelled...stories evolve...situations & CDC guidelines change...businesses pivot.

It hits me at different times....does it for you, too?

Like when we recently went out to dinner for Mother's Day and two popular restaurants were closed. (?!)

Or when I hear of a friend struggling with the Coronavirus, even after getting the vaccine.

There's no way to tell what the future holds, but whatever that is ~ the universe is certainly a part of it, and at some point we just need to trust the process, respect one another & keep it moving.

One thing I know to be 1000% true (and something that is sadly not always in the news) ~ lifestyle choices can make a difference in all of our lives, including boosting our immunity, & maintaining healthy mental clarity. Even in the "Doctor's Pharmacy" podcast I referred to above, they mentioned that we all have control over what we choose to eat, when & how we choose to move or what we use for cleaning supplies, gardening weed killers, skincare choices and ALL the different ways we can take care of ourselves.

The time is now to manage our expectations, be kind to each other & make it happen with positive lifestyle changes.

You've got this!!

happy birthday to Beautycounter!

March means the beginning of Spring...and

women supporting women

Women's History Month is an opportunity to celebrate the women who have had an impact on
our history, culture & society.

Let's celebrate!

I'd like to toast
Gregg Renfrew, founder of Beautycounter,
for creating a company that transformed the skincare industry, fosters independence and allows people to create their own business opportunity...truly making a difference in healthy living, educating others about what exactly "clean beauty" is and why it's so important, and finally...advocating for all skincare and cosmetics companies to come clean and use safer ingredients.

Five Healthy Living Tips

1. check out or the "THINK DIRTY" APP for a scorecard
on skincare & other products you use every day

2. there hasn't been a federal law regarding skincare products or cosmetics since 1938

yes, really.

3. since then there are over 80,000 untested chemicals in commerce

4. beautycounter creates high quality products without
over 1800 harmful ingredients such as ~ parabens, phthalates, lead, cadmium, oxybenzone & fragrances

5. the beauty industry, similar to the food industry is virtually need to be an educated consumer!

ARE YOU FOLLOWING @moirasfitness on Instagram for Mo's MARCH MATNESS Challenge?!


LINK to moirasfitness YouTube

Mo's MARCH MATness 2021

exercising will help you to keep moving forward....

because we really have no other choice!

it's been almost a year since we first heard the words,
"flattening the curve."

virtual school & work.
food delivery.
washing hands.
social distancing.


did we ever think this Pandemic would take such a toll on our friends, families & loved ones?

500,000 deaths in the United States.
suffering & angst.
local businesses struggling to pivot and change their strategies....

you have to say, this has been challenging for all of us in so many different ways.

truth be told, we never know what tomorrow will bring.

if we are going to thrive vs. just survive we must move forward positively, showing up each day, doing the very best we can with gratitude for the blessings we have.

spreading joy & sharing value with an attitude of abundance vs. scarcity.

carpe diem, my friends!

Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity to accept
the things I cannot change.
The courage to change the things I can.
And the wisdom to know the difference.


this month, join me in the

Mo's March MATNESS Challenge!

every day in the month of March, I will be posting
ten minutes of CORE exercises
on my instagram page @moirasfitness.

all I ask of you is to like, comment
or invite a friend to follow~

at the end of the month, I will raffle off a big exercise ball for your home gyms!!




LINK TO moirasfitness YouTube Channel….

everything's a phase...

if there's one thing I've learned from growing up the youngest of seven children, weaving my way through school & jobs, settling into the suburbs and raising a family it is
"everything's a phase."

whether you are thinking:

"can't wait to get there"
"vacation is going by too quickly!"
"they're growing up too fast!"
"hurry up and wait..."


remember feeling so embarrassed of your parents? the teachers who drove you crazy? old part time jobs? will I ever get married and buy a house? changing diapers & the 5--7pm bewitching hour? driving kids to sports & activities three hours a day & drinking another iced coffee? working via ZOOM from your dining room table without breathing any fresh air?


your journey will present you with different paths. and yes, you are in control of whether to take the exit, or to turn around.

but when you see life presented as different phases or stages, it's so much easier to feel powerful and in control of your own destiny.

it's not a perfect path. there are bumps, maybe even some potholes. you might trip & fall~but you can recover and get back up! and you'll be stronger.

we need to support each other along the way.

In honor of Valentine's Day, I'm sending you some positive vibes & love today.

reach out!

I am so happy to help you with your health & wellness journey!

and now helping people find a home to support their next phase of life: upgrading. downsizing. creating more space.

because it's all about #safeexercising #cleannutrition#healthyliving....
and ultmately


brrr....chilly January!

turn up the heat, baby!!

is it just me?! 


or do you feel like you’re forgetting something??  


like you need glasses.  recipes suddenly missing an ingredient.  names forgotten.  constantly double checking the calendar. 

what day is it anyway? it seriously the end of January 2021? and wondering — will we be wearing masks (or double masks?!?!) next January too? 


this. my friends. is. stress. 

and stress is cumulative.  (!!!)


it’s been a long year....depending on the industry in which you work, life has drastically changed — and FITNESS has changed forever, in many ways for the better.  there are more opportunities than ever before to fit health & wellness into your lifestyle.


Facebook/Instagram/YouTube/APPS/Peloton/online programs 

honestly, whatever works for you to stay motivated is awesome!!  private personal training is all about accountability, really.  

but what about managing the stress?  are you doing ok? how are you dealing with this big anxiety cloud hanging over our heads?!

here are some
simple steps for self-care:


  • “motivation” is a made up word for routine. no one is motivated every day, even me. put exercise in your calendar & stick to it. period. it’s not rocket science.

  • give yourself a break. like every day. take some time away from the desk for a quick walk around the block or some of the stretches I’ve shared. it makes a huge difference. we are living through unprecedented's a huge adjustment to share space with people 24/7.

  • breathe. it’s free & allows your body & mind to truly relax. inhale the positivity & exhale the negativity is so true.... plus did you know that ten deep breaths is considered meditation? yes!

  • finish each day writing down the “five best things that happened today...”. share it with your family:) I started doing this in my immediate family group text chat and I do think it feeds off itself.

  • reach out to friends. forget the messaging —pick up the phone. hearing someone’s voice is reassuring.

  • yawn deeply & draw the alphabet with your toes to stretch the feet when you wake up.

  • drink a ton of water...especially first thing in the morning breakfast.

  • fuel the fire—combine dense nutrients for four mini meals during the day. too busy? plan ahead then. food prep is a thing—it saves money & brain power in the end.....can’t happen every day but if you plan ahead & are working from home—this will help you to prevent that starving feeling.:)

  • massage your ears. pressure point for anxiety, just saying...;)

  • turn off Netflix & go to bed earlier. sleep is the most important thing with all of these daily distractions.

have a great weekend.



A New Year's Wish for You...


Alas, the calendar has changed but the situation continues...and we just have to figure it out.

I remember when the school counselor asked my kids, "How are you at problem solving?" I had a flashback to third grade math with Mrs.Giffee (who scared me so much that to this day, subtraction is an issue). This is when I was trying to help my kids navigate through the high school social scene.

AS IF that was something to worry about?! Universe, please~bring me back to those concerns...before COVID-19, before isolation, before masks, before jobs lost & work changes, before shifted family dynamics & canceled vacations or missed graduations, before restaurants closed & small businesses collapsed.

Before ZOOM ruled our daily lives.

So what now?

We shift, pivot, take a deep breath & let go of the things that are not working, success as jobs, personal relationships, or even where we live. That is when we can take control
& ultimately experience growth.

So that we can all be "happy & healthy" in our bodies, our minds & our hearts.

I wish you the courage to make positive changes in 2021.
because we are all in this together!


life's journey has different paths

...let's continue to move forward...

New Year's Day, I wrote about RESILIENCE. It read something like this, "Resilience is something we all wish for our kids~share & share alike. fall down & get right back up. it's always more fun on the "B" team anyway. don't worry if you didn't get into your first choice. when one door closes, another one opens. every problem is an opportunity. strive for excellence but accept the failures & disappointments along the way."

Eerie isn't it?! Who would have imagined the restrictions, challenges & difficulties of 2020.

I laughed out loud when last Spring one of my clients sent me a photo of a girl in a bikini with a mask that read, "Trikini?!" I didn't know then what I know now...that we would all be wearing masks with our bathing suits and even while running, walking or biking. Waiting in line at the grocery store. Receiving relief checks from the government. Cancelling vacations. Postponing graduations or celebrations.

Changing up the gameplan.

And yet, we made it through. We did it! We managed to figure out new stay-at-home work stations, more cooking & family time. We pivoted our businesses. We cranked up Netflix and Youtube. We participated in ZOOM meetings and virtual classrooms.

Oprah Winfrey once said, "Walking through life isn't a straight's full of winding paths." It's the idea that moving on & moving forward may be unexpected & unusual but a good decision nonetheless.

As you know, I truly believe in #exercising #saferskincare #cleancraftedwine. I am committed to sharing the wealth of knowledge that I have gathered over the past ten years and weaved my business & marketing background into moirasfitness. What started as, "Keep the Peace in You"... a slogan for ~ Pilates, Experience & Awaken your Core Energy...morphed into a whole package to reflect all things health & wellness.

I never want my message to be anything less than 100% authentic.

Fitness, wellness & healthy living choices should always be about feeling better, getting stronger & becoming more confident.

Understanding clients have limited time and energy, I have designed workout programs & offered health & wellness ideas for so many....whether it be listening about problems or client's aches & pains or both. Helping clients and offering positive solutions runs deep into my soul.

And so it is with this experience that I am venturing onto a new path....

While maintaining my moirasfitness business, I am excited to announce my decision to work in Real Estate on Boston's North Shore!

This is a great opportunity to continue to build relationships with people, just in a new way. After all, those relationships are what truly enriches my life.

Please know that I will continue to share fitness ideas & healthy living with you.

I look forward to connecting with you soon.

Thanks for listening & enjoy the holiday weekend...


Thanksgiving "Overnight Turkey Recipe"

Overnight Turkey Recipe

For years, my sister (the one who posted her menu!) cooked this recipe 2 nights in a row, for her annual Thanksgiving gathering of 40 people.  That way, when her guests arrived she could enjoy their company and not have to work in the kitchen the entire time.   When you wake up in the morning, your whole house smells of delicious turkey....

(From "Cooking Brilliantly")
Preheat your over to 525 degrees
Butter, salt and pepper your bird, and add a few handshakes of thyme, marjoram or spices you like.
Add a few shakes of A1 steak sauce and red wine, plus a can of chicken broth around the pan.
Cook uncovered for 45 minutes ~ it may get a little smoky, do not be afraid!

Remove from oven and cover with cheesecloth or dishtowel. Pour 1/2 bottle of red wine over turkey.
Cover tightly with reynolds wrap 2x.  Cook in oven for 90 minutes at 450 degrees.

***Turn off oven and do not open the over door
until the next morning.***

When you wake in the morning, remove from oven and unwrap everything, and the turkey will literally fall off the bone.  Use the juices for a delicious gravy...:)

Beauty Inside & Out

It’s in taking care of others that I have learned
so much about wellness.

A few years ago, I was looking to help my teenage daughter with her skin & this skincare collection is what brought me to Beautycounter...... COUNTERCONTROL helps with oily, acne-prone skin because it is powered by a skincare complex of wintergreen & rosebay willow. It is designed to clear up breakouts, purify pores & balance skin—without irritation. 

Beautycounter offers a free skincare quiz to help you with ideas for treating your or your child’s skin. check out the SKINCARE QUIZ @

I just want you to know that there are newer ways to treat your skin, whether it be from acne, hydrating dry skin or smoothing out the wrinkles. If there are chemicals in the products we use, they are going directly into our bloodstream!  Beautycounter is committed to create high quality products without over 1800 harmful ingredients, such as phthalates, parabens, formaldehyde, lead & cadmium,  We also practice responsible sourcing  and test for heavy metals & allergens such as soy, gluten & talc.  Making strides in sustainability & advocating for all of us hat all companies come clean...has helped make Beautycounter a B CORPORATION, caring and investing in "people, planet & profits,"
& recommended by the and Leaping Bunny.   

Let me know if I can be of any help to you. I'm happy to setup a consultation or drop off samples to you.

Go to
for more information or to shop for yourself or others who may be "on your list" this holiday season!

Sugar isn't Sweet on your Body...

even though we're #allinthistogether, we each make individual choices every day to maintain
balance & strength....

As we head into the holiday season, just remember that~
everything. is. connected.

What does this mean?

It means that exercise, nutrition & skincare are all important components to your health and it's critical that you recognize this & make choices accordingly.

Years ago a client shared a National Geographic article on the history of sugar & how it’s “more addictive than drugs,” & how it’s infiltrated the American diet. As we approach the Holidays....Here are SEVEN REASONS to #choosetreatswisely

Sugar stimulates the release of dopamine, a “feel-good” chemical in the brain. Treat candy & sugar like a spice....a little goes a long way. Once a week not every day kinda thing.;)
Sugar is considered empty calories. Nourish your body with whole & clean foods if you want your body to work for you.

Sugar can negatively impact skin elasticity....leading to more wrinkles. Eating more greens leads to clearer skin.
Consuming sugar leads to a spike in both blood sugar and feel-good serotonin levels but it’s short-lived. Watch out for a “crash.” & stronger cravings!
Any Mom has witnessed this!! Consider more kid friendly gluten free snacks to help avoid this.

Bottom line, eating too many cookies or junk food will make us feel lousy (fatigued), even hungrier than before & will probably show up as acne or maybe even a rash on your skin.

Exercising does the opposite, it realizes serotonin in your brain to give you some happiness and balances blood sugar.

Listen to your body & make different choices to create balance....
You've got this!!!


Change is Good

Top Ten Wellness Ideas

1. exercise is your friend
the old expression, "move it or lose it" is absolutely true. just do a little bit every day ~ walk, run, bike, conditioning. it doesn't matter if it's ten or twenty minutes~it still counts.

2. sitting is the new smoking
get a standing desk, my friend.

3. gesture.>>habit>>posture>>structure
so if you sit or stand too long in one position, your muscles (they have memory!!) will adapt accordingly. what this means to you is...if you sit at your desk on ZOOM calls all day, your body will feel tight & achy.

4. what to do?? stretch:)
* reach up to the sky
* rotate left to right with arms in a circle
* sidebend
* shake out your hands, arms & feet
* walk around the house a few times

5. preventative activity will pay long term,
pain free dividends

6. energy is emotion in motion.
keep it moving

7. your mind can only go to ONE SOURCE OF PAIN. for example, if you have lower back pain and then you suddenly trip over your shoes and sprain your ankle...your mind will change gears and concentrate on the ankle.

*** this works for mental pain as well ***

the frozen lemon trick
if you are feeling sad or STUCK on any of the issues I noted above, and just can't deal with it...try buying into a piece of frozen lemon. WHAT?! your mind will shift to the ridiculously sour taste of the lemon, and give it something else to think about!! alas~now you may have forgotten your worries at least for a little while.

8. eating well will keep you balanced mentally & physically. we all know that stress eating oreos or chips makes us feel gross the next day.

(a) live by the 80/20 rule. 80% of the time, make healthy choices, buy organic or local fresh food and 20% of the time choose convenience or do what you can do with the time you have, right?

(b) shoot for 30% protein (or, half of your bodyweight in grams each day), 30% healthy fats (avocado, coconut, olive oils), 40% carbohydrates (veggies & fruits, healthy grains).

9. we are living in a toxic world. #dontshootthemessenger
* smell of gasoline
* the new car aroma
* household cleaners
* most wax candles (!!)
* fragrances in skincare, shampoo or makeup

these are all toxins in our environment!
the choice is your to acknowledge and adapt.

all of these things make a difference in your health.

#preventativewellness is nothing new, but is more important now than ever...& making certain choices will
boost your immunity.

10. attitude is everything!! let's face it, we're not going to feel #blessed very day. but there's no doubt that you have the ability to turn it around.

positive self-talk is so important!
(for me too:))

empower yourself to find the solutions.

because you've got this...

PS: massage, acupuncture, chiropractic care is all good...but empowering yourself to move is ultimately the simplest thing to do, which will not only help you physically stay limber and fit but also create positive changes mentally.

"Negative Nelly?" or "Sally Superstar?!"

sharing my experience & ways to stay motivated, healthy & strong

I'll be honest with you.
This is a tough time of year for me, even without the Coronavirus.
Masks or not, tears will be shed from me or any mother bringing their child to a new school or college campus.
They are ready, we get that.
But it's the change that really sinks in.
It's the memories when you return to your messy house & suddenly instead of nagging your kids to pick up a wet towel, put the dishes in the dishwasher & for the love of _______ don't smoke or drink too much! (#adulting101)
You're immediately sad that they have flown the coop.
It's the feeling of "how did that happen?" or "now what?"
It's the realization that they are no longer present.
When I stare out my window,
I remember all those days of playing catch & tying shoes.
And teaching them to skate, ski & bicycle.
And the sledding parties.
And the birthdays.
And the sports teams, boyscouts or rehearsals.
And the dinners.
Their friends & teachers.
And (in later years) the conversations & (heated) debates about education, politics & the Coronavirus.

So, for God's sake, don't open that email from Shutterfly that says, "Here's where you were five, nine or twelve years ago.

(That's the fastest way to feel old and defeated ~ trust me, don't go down that rabbit hole!)

Similar to losing a loved one or getting fired from a job,
let's first recognize the emotions, feel them, understand them & then

Yup, I'm talking to you...
whatever changes have happened in the last five months,
or maybe just a stagnant situation~

You need to decide:
are you going to be "Negative Nelly?" or "Sally Superstar?!"

I participated in a motivational training last Spring...

It was a virtual event on ZOOM...and it was at nighttime, 7--9pm. I must admit~I was sitting down with my dinner & a glass of wine, when Karissa's energy lit up the screen!!! She asked us really tough questions about who we are & what we want.

She designed two personas: (Negative Nelly) was sad & depressed, worried about what other people think of her, not confident at all & basically let fear rule her thinking.

The other side (Sally Superstar) unleashed the power within...she is confident, determined & passionate. Sally's "got this!"

I have thought of this coach often over the last few months, especially when working with clients on ZOOM. You could feel her energy come across the screen!! She asked us to sit up straight, put down the glass of wine, take notes & be present!

"Are you with me?!?!" "Then I want you to type YES in the chat..." "Give me a thumbs up in the chat!" "Come on! I only see 30 responses so far...where are the rest of you?"

I know from my days in corporate sales...DO NOT GET ON THE PHONE if you are feeling down. Well, now we can also STAY OFF ZOOM if we are not feeling strong. Whether it's an email, phonecall, post or ZOOM, your emotions will come across~1000%.

We need to achowledge the changes and any losses during this difficult time, let it go & move on.

Doesn't matter your age.

Doesn't matter your experience.

Write a "to do" list...figure out the gameplan and keep moving forward!

There's always a solution.

Problems create opportunities.

I understand that we are all at different spaces & places in our lives...but I can tell you that exercising will help bring out a more confident, determined & stronger you in body, mind & spirit.

Turns out, when we exercise it creates
change in your microbiome,
which releases chemicals in your body to improve your health.

You can actually reverse gene patterns through lifestyle choices.

Working out will increase your serotonin, which
improves your mood & brings oxygen to your blood, ultimately boosting your immune system!

Ditch "Negative Nelly," find your inner
"Sally Superstar" persona, keep it moving & go for it!!

Apply these same ideas to your health & wellness. Set the goals, write them down and get it into your's the time to get educated on

#safeexercising, #cleaneating and #healthyliving.


the best defense is a good offense

The "Four P's"

I was recently listening to a podcast....
here are a few suggestions I want to share:




Positive Thought


Every day, we need to pause, considering what's on the calendar for today...then analyze the procedure~how to work thru those goals. Step back & create a positive thought. And then say a prayer...for yourself or a loved one.

Coronavirus Changes & Challenges

ideas to help you through the next stages of the Pandemic

I was planning to offer you a funny story about cooking chicken cutlets with the power out...about how my kids (with no Wifi) were suddenly surrounding me asking when dinner was going to be ready? 'How I managed to finish dipping, breading, frying, flipping the cutlets & stirring the pasta in the dark with the candelabra on my griddle.... It was a night of the "inmates running the asylum" and me, figuring out~"how did I get here?!"

"Why am I so exhausted with all these wonderful but loud personalities talking to me at the same time?" We are very close, but there's not an unspoken thought, not much of a filter~with compliments or criticisms. (although I wouldn't have it any other way...:))

This anecdote is truly a metaphor of all the changes & challenges surrounding us right now!!

But I know times are tougher that my own personal shit show~LOL

I know so many of us are struggling.

I know these days we are taking it day by day, wearing our masks, working from home & if we have kids...scambling to handle the at least part-time homeschooling coming our way. Alas ~ ZOOM is different in this generation!

I know that growing older isn't for the faint of heart.

I know that Cheerios are bad for you.

I know that squats are good for you.

I know that motion determines emotion.

I know that experience brings you calm & peace with certain things but more angst & worry with other things. "what could go wrong?!" ALOT!

I know that we are not alone. We are all in this together... 1000%. So call a friend. Connect with an old roommate. Send a thank you note.

I know that we need each other, through all of this.

Summer Check-In

it’s summer...& the COVID-19 pandemic is still going...throwing all of us into one transition or another.  

how are you doing?


I must admit that some days are easier than others.


Some days are hotter than others, too.


I recently took my kids on a little road trip to Newport, RI for the day and I was talking a lot about my summer experience there in my 20s....working as an advertising sales rep for a magazine—my dream job—and going out with girlfriends every night!  Aaah...those were the days.


So I went home after that and reviewed my old briefcase with my collection of achievements, resumes & transcripts.


I used to dream about the future with rosy colored glasses...  In fact, every day I read my horoscope wondering what the world had in store for me.  

I didn't know what I didn't know. 


I didn't have enough experience to know that sometimes life throws you curveballs, or “transitions,” and we can dodge to catch the ball or simply watch it fly by you.  You’re forced to choose one path or another...and either way is fine...  It is what it is.  


So what is it, should we live completely in the present?  Like our kids?


  Let's face it...holding on to the past or worrying about the future will create more anxiety.


Why not paint the new picture with the VALUABLE EXPERIENCE from our past & build REALISTIC GOALS for our future!

'Pretty sure that will make the present easier...

Right now it’s a difficult time.  Many of us have job changes, vacation cancellations, financial stress, new family dynamics and/or worry for our health & safety.


Yes, we need to wear masks to protect ourselves...
But we still have choices.


Choose to be optimistic.  Dig deep. Every day.  Yes, you can....

Choose to create a new path for yourself. 


Choose to make your vision board.


Choose to review your resume or old files & photos.... you’ve come a long way & this proves it! 


With every twist & turn in life brings choices...


With every problem lies opportunity.


It's a daily decision to set our intentions, write things down & follow through...whether it be for your fitness, wellness, job searching or general happiness.  

Keep calm & move ahead...each day take one or two small positive steps forward.

It's truly all in your perspective!

Happy Fourth of July!

Happy Fourth of July, 2020!

Hamburgers & Hotdogs. Family & Friends. Fireworks. Gatherings. Apple Pie.

Oh wait a minute~that was before the Pandemic...
before the Riots for Racial Equality in the twenty-first century....
before we were wearing masks everywhere...
before we were talking constantly talking about health & wellness...
about "what's going to happen next" discussions
at the dinner table.

Ok scratch that initial greeting ~ let's just rewrite the narrative and call today Independence Day for you.

How can we all rethink, reevaluate & rewire our brains to start thinking more positively about what's next?!

Because that's what we need.

If we cannot control anything around us, then we simply have to rewrite the narrative.

And it's possible!

I started thinking the other day that if we are all worrying so much about the present situation that it's impossible to really dream about a (happier or easier) future...

You know what I mean?

My father used to say, "When you're old and you go to the doctor...they never ask you about plans for the future ~ only 'how you're feeling today?'"

That hits home, doesn't it?!

I know we all need to be concerned for our safety but let's not let that hold us back from dreaming about the fun times ahead!

Even if you can't plan a vacation at the moment due to lack of resources, funds and/or fear....
We can still discover new places to visit or roast some marshmallows in a firepit instead of watching fireworks.

We can make a new recipe.

We can watch a new movie.

We can set new goals by make small changes & creating routine.

Because if there's one thing I've learned...
it's that "everything is a phase."

Celebrate today in your own way ~ carve out a new tradition...
whatever it may be.

You've got this ~ because life is not perfect, but it's still good.

Happy Independence Day to you!


What is "Clean Beauty?"

A lot of people ask me about #cleanbeauty and how it relates to health & wellness....
"What is she talking about?"
"How does this relate to me?"

We all know that FITNESS & NUTRITION should be at the top of the list for preventative health & that you stay out of pain, improve your posture & mood, increase flexibility & balance, recharge your immune system. This much we know is true. ✅ This is why my slogan Moirasfitness is “KEEP THE PEACE IN YOU.” (an expression I adopted from my Mom)
But did you know that soaps, shampoos or skincare are also so important?! Let’s face it, even if you’re exercising & eating right, we live in a toxic world. Although we cannot control our environment, we can choose products that are safer. This includes dish soap, laundry detergent, household cleaners & shampoos, conditioners, makeup & lotions.
Similar to the food industry, the personal care products industry is virtually unregulated. The last time there was a federal law passed regarding harmful chemicals in cosmetics or soaps and shampoos was 1938. 😳 #truestory
Since then over 80,000 chemicals have been introduced into commerce that haven’t been fully tested.
Presently, Europe bans over 600 harmful ingredients in their personal care products.
The United States bans just 30!!! 😡
What does this mean to you?!
Take a look @ what you’re using in the shower & at the sink. 👀 do you see PARABENS, PHTHALATES, OXYBENZONE, FORMALDEHYDE?
Read some labels...make sure that your products don’t contain these ingredients. Have a sudden rash or acne? That’s your body’s way of detoxing some of the harmful ingredients or allergens. Similarly to the way taking a bath with epsom salt relaxes your muscles, those harmful ingredients go right into your bloodstream.
You can also go to ENVIRONMENTAL WORKING GROUP or use the “THINK DIRTY” APP to learn more.
Now is the time to be an educated consumer... My job as a Personal Trainer is to coach people with exercise & nutrition. My job as a health advocate is to share Beautycounter’s story of disrupting the cosmetics and personal care industry & their mission of creating high quality products without over 1800 HARMFUL INGREDIENTS.
That’s right, our CEO & Founder realized that when she was washing her face and lathering up her kids in the tub, she was inadvertently putting chemicals into their bodies.
You see, your skin is your largest organ. What you put onto your skin truly matters...for your HEALTH & WELLNESS.
At Beautycounter, our mission is to get safer products into the hands of everyone. For more information reach out—I’m happy to talk more or offer you some free samples.

Acknowledge, Understand & Embrace Our Differences


I know it's been a heavy, emotional week for everyone. I woke up this morning with immense sadness...

About the continuing Pandemic.

About George Floyd.

About racial inequality.

About politics in general.

About a recession & the unemployment rate.

About how to explain all of this to my kids without sounding negative, complacent or defeated.

About how to move forward.

About which foot to use when I "pivot" my business...when sometimes I feel like I'm standing in mud, stuck on my mat.

Now more than ever, we need to build each other up! And for the love of God, we need to exercise & stay well under the circumstances....

And we need to support each other.

When I spoke with other Pilates studio owners in the area, we exchanged ways in which we are "reopening" with our clients & how we can all make a difference in our communities.

Here are a few ways you can make a difference~

  • Volunteer or donate to your local food pantry.
    They are working overtime these days...Acord Food Pantry

  • Walk or protest or at the very least, connect with your friends & family about the George Floyd tragedy, or join a walk or protest. Today on the North Shore there is a "Black Lives Matter Walk" in Beverly. Join in or find a walk in your's a link to Boston area protests.

If you are a local business or just want to help your friends & family, reach out & connect! Let's boost each other up on social media, or just share some good information with others....share the wealth & knowledge!
Just the other day, I referred two people to a friend of mine who sews masks.

Don't be afraid to reach out!

We are #alonetogether