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Moira's Blog Posts

Squeeze in a 15 minute workout...

Moira Riccio

Carving out exercise into our routines isn't always easy.  Here are a few ideas for you to do starting tomorrow morning~

The Fifteen Minute Fix:

Stand up and slowly roll down to the floor....breathe 5 full and complete breathes.
Walk out to a plank.  Hold for 5 breathes.
Hinge to pike position or "Downdog" /  Repeat 15 times.
Swing right leg to crescent lunge.  lunge 15x
Switch to left leg and lunge 15x

Squat 15x slowly, 15x pulses
Plie squat 15x slowly, 15x pulses

Lie down and do 15 crunches, then bicycle 15x left and right....REPEAT
Slowly drop legs from table top to floor 15x, then straighten legs and lower to diagonal 15x...REPEAT
Lie down and do hip lift 15x, 15x pulses.

Hug your knees to chest and slow stretch~ you are ready to start the day!!