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Moira's Blog Posts

Fundraising for the PanMass Challenge at the Fast Chicks 5K

Moira Riccio

Can you say that five times fast?;)

"Fundraising....for the PanMass Challenge at the Fast Chicks 5K!  Fundraising for the PanMass Challenge at the Fast Chicks 5K!"  Well, my friend Leigh and I created PanMass Challenge t-shirts to raise money for the Dana Farber Cancer Institute.  Sure, we committed to cycling 200 miles in this incredible event (exactly 3 months from today) and we are fortunate to be able to do it, really -- since we do Reformer -- but first and foremost we need to do our fundraising!  So, we recruited corporate sponsors and put their logos on the back.  We had the MeatHouse, one of our sponsors, promote their store and sell beef and chicken skewers at the event.  We arranged for another sponsor, DoodleRoll, to sell their toys as part of the fundraising.  Like any good volunteer effort, it took on a life of its own....  As my sister, Julie says, "No good deed goes unpunished!";)

But, what a good feeling to be a part of the community, meet new people and build awareness for a good cause!   Thanks to Martha Hale-Farrell, from the HW Mothers Club, who organized the event.  Thank you to Christine O'Shea for helping us design the shirts.  And, thank you to the Heavens for giving us beautiful weather!  And, thank you to Pete Locke for finding me, and purchasing a t-shirt for his daughter Daisy.

Finally, thank you to my son Nicholas, who told me today that when he plays in the NFL (we can discuss that later~I am not sure a Pilates Instructor should support this idea?), and "makes lots of money, he is going to give money away to those in need."  In the midst of organizing my PMC bakesale, PMC table and chairs, PMC t-shirts etc...etc...etc... I often worried that I was ignoring my children, but somewhere along the way I successfully taught them something.  And that, my friends, is true happiness.

That really made my day.  Let's keep it in perspective ~ it's all good.

If you would like to buy a t-shirt, just donate to PMC and I will mail you one.  I will even send you a DoodleRoll for free...;)   Here's the link:  Donate to PMC

If you would like to ride with me this summer, email me and we can hit the road!

Have a good weekend,