New Year's Resolutions? How to Ditch the Bad Habits and Develop Good Ones
Moira Riccio
It's that time of year, and we are all thinking ahead~what changes can I make for the better in 2014? Well, when you are considering changing habits, remember three things: a cue, a routine, and a reward.
Often times we automatically perform a habit simply by the certain time of day, or when our surroundings change~that's the cue. For example, do you eat more at a certain time of the day, to unwind and relax? Consider whether you can unwind and relax simply by eating less and/or being with family instead, giving yourself a cup of tea instead. Experiment with a small change for a few days and see whether you can still unwind and relax without the something different.
This may tell you that you were not, in fact, hungry, but simply eating out of "force of habit" or~your routine. Develop and keep the new strategy for a few weeks after that, if you can.
Finally, offer yourself a reward for changing that routine. You deserve it! And, of course, if you are striving for any new fitness-related goals this year, you need to think more long term and take it day-by-day with these ideas about the cue, routine, & reward.
If you want to get "Long & Lean in 2014" call me. I would love to help you along the way….
Stay focused,