Winter Blues
Moira Riccio
I know, I know…. This Winter is a doozy! Right about now, I want to put my snow scraper away for a very long time. Brace yourselves -- more snow is predicted. It might start to get you down, you know? Sick of those boots? Tired of hunching over toward the car? Slipping on the ice? Maybe hibernating a little bit watching the Olympics? Me, too.
Then I decided to "get over it" So get over yourself~find a few small ways to move forward with the rest of 2014…. Here's a "How To Guide":
1. Get up and Stretch. After you crawl out of bed, as soon as your feet hit the floor, reach up to the ceiling and breathe. Then forward fold and continue to breath 5 deep breaths. Bend those knees and roll up, stretch side-to-side. Repeat 5x…then hit the bathroom. This will help you to relax and start your engines before you trudge into the shower. "Get up! Get going! Get your spirit showing!"
2. Drink a lot of water. It gives you more energy.:)
3. Take Vitamin D. New Englanders aren't seeing enough sunshine these days. Studies show it improves your overall mood!
4. Get Outside. "Feel the earth" or "Enjoy the moment" movement~get outside for 15/20 minutes, whatever it takes.
5. Make a plan. Give yourself something to look forward to…have dinner with friends, see a movie, fly away on a vacation this summer.
6. Do a good deed…. Anyone can do this~send a card, call your Mom, cook dinner for your sick neighbor. You will feel happy!
7. Be grateful. Before you go to bed, think about or actually write down the 3 best things that happened during the day. It could be a good meal, receiving a compliment on your new haircut, finally making a decision. Appreciate yourself and others around you.
8. Buy some flowers. It will remind you that Spring is right around the corner!
9. Go shopping or decorate your home. It's amazing how healthy it feels when you paint your room a new color.
10. Read a good book. It really takes you away from it all~
Brought to you by Moira Riccio, resident energizer bunny.;) We all have our strengths and weaknesses, after all! I look forward to seeing you all soon… Have a great day!