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Moira's Blog Posts


Moira Riccio

TOO BUSY TO WORKOUT? But hey, what's the alternative? Well, we end up with sore and tired backs, weak core muscles and bad posture. We may even feel a little sad if we are sitting too much at the desk. Gotta move it or lose it:) Here are some ideas for you to start your week~

1. Cultivate A Morning Ritual:
* Water upon waking up.
* Stretch for 5-10 minutes, even if it's while the water gets hot for the shower…forward fold, sidebend, breathe! 
* Eat breakfast. Many people skip it, or just grab a coffee and a bagel/muffin and go. By noon, their energy levels drop significantly. Implement a new habit of starting the day with a Green Shake.

2. Write down your goals for the week or month. Post your thoughts to the dashboard or fridge. Grab a friend and walk at lunch! (giving yourself a destination is a good one, too...walk to lunch, for example.)

3. Get motivated by putting on headphones and workout song by song~squats & lunges to Taylor Swift, planks & pushups to Justin Timberlake. Even if it's only 20 minutes a day~that's ok~YAY!