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Moira's Blog Posts

"You're Nothing but a Pain in the Neck?"

If you are old enough to remember this expression, then you may have experienced this feeling…neck pain is no joke!  After all those hours at the computer, or driving the car, or bending down working with kids (I remember tying up those skates in the back of the minivan, then standing up~ouch!), your neck is held in that repetitive posture for long instances.  Then the tension travels down your shoulder blades, and then to the lunar spine.

I can assist you on and off the Reformer to alleviate these aches and pains….   I can also give you some exercises to do at home, such as:  stand in between the doorway and hold on to the walls, inching your feet forward to open up your tight and constricted chest muscles/sidebend when waking up in the morning/grab your hand towel and tug the corners apart to stretch your shoulders and mid back.:)