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can you "chatDPT" a workout plan?

Moira's Blog Posts

can you "chatDPT" a workout plan?

We’ve been sold the idea to "eat less & exercise more..."  
but is it truly the only answer? Navigate what’s uniquely right for you…

here are some statistics ~

fewer than 15% of Americans get the minimum recommended amount of physical activity

(150 minutes a week or 22 minutes a day).


in 1980, 15% of Americans were obese. today it's  45% 

1 out of 10 Americans have diabetes.....


37% of U.S. Adults Consume Fast Food Every Day.


fast food restaurants in the U.S. earned $278.6 billion in revenue in 2021. Led by market heavy-hitters such as McDonald’s, Starbucks, Taco Bell, and Chick-Fil-A, the industry has adapted to the changing times and clearly continues to attract customers despite the COVID-19 pandemic.


we are living in a fast food culture!!

it’s challenging to eat healthy in the United States.


what can you do?


empower yourself.  


stay educated 


take the time to prepare your food & plan ahead, like creating a menu for the week, makes such a difference in your health—almost more than exercise! 


reach out if you need a fitness or nutrition consultation!  


one diet is not the answer….it’s learning about food options & consistently making good choices.